After Accident Resale Value.... need help

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
As some of you know, I was in an accident a month ago. I was rear-ended in a brand new Acura TL. (3000 miles)

Well, we are dealing with the insurance company now and trying to come up with a value for the hit to the resale value we have incurred as a result of the damage.

They want some official number and we talked to a guy in texas that wants to charge us $300 bucks to give us a number.

Does anyone know any other way to get an official estimate for resale vaule after this accident?

What you are asking about is "diminished value" - the amount by which a car's value is allegedly reduced after incurring an accident and being repaired properly.

IMO, most cars do not decline substantially in value if they are properly repaired (although that is often a big "if"). The various used car guides support this; there is not a separate category (or "official valuation") for cars that have had accidents.

Also, many insurance companies are now writing explicit exclusions for "diminished value" claims into their policies.

My advice: Just let them pay for fixing the car at the best body shop you can find, and move on.