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AEM EMS to iOS Digital Dashboard and Gauge Display

Thanks everyone for all the feedback. Keep it coming.






Right now I'm working on the advanced warning system. In addition to the basic high/low warning system built into each gauge is a separate advanced warning system. Each advanced warning can be setup for multiple or singular conditions. IE Boost greater than 5psi & AFR greater than 12.2. Another example RPM > 3500 and Oil Pressure Less than 40psi. They can also be compared to other channels, IE AFR Not within 10% of target AFR, or Bank1 AFR not within .3 AFR of Bank2 AFR. Warnings can be visual and/or audio.

Does your software account for lag IE in-between shifts or when you get back on throttle and you have that lag as the AFR is getting richer (but not optimal due to acceleration fuel lag) but you are in boost so you trigger your boost greater than 5 psi and your AFR 12.2 example.
I have already implemented a timing system for the Trigger System that has a minimum amount of time the conditions must be true for the warning to fire. So the warning would fire on the display and if you had a 300ms delay then it would need to be on 300ms later before the trigger would output to the EMS. If any of the conditions were not met for the entire 300ms then the trigger would not fire. The trigger system is still in development though. I've had a lot of success so far, but it's on the back-burner for right now.

I could implement the same system for the normal warnings which may work for a problem like that. Another solution may be to add a condition for throttle >75% if it helps as well.

With that said you should still see optimal AFR's during acceleration. I've had issues in the past with some throttle tip in but it can be tuned out when setup properly.
I have already implemented a timing system for the Trigger System that has a minimum amount of time the conditions must be true for the warning to fire. So the warning would fire on the display and if you had a 300ms delay then it would need to be on 300ms later before the trigger would output to the EMS. If any of the conditions were not met for the entire 300ms then the trigger would not fire. The trigger system is still in development though. I've had a lot of success so far, but it's on the back-burner for right now.

I could implement the same system for the normal warnings which may work for a problem like that. Another solution may be to add a condition for throttle >75% if it helps as well.

With that said you should still see optimal AFR's during acceleration. I've had issues in the past with some throttle tip in but it can be tuned out when setup properly.

I meant the lag from off throttle to full throttle. There is a slight lag between when the O2 sensors register the new AFR and it is reported to the AEM. It's different for each O2 sensor due to placement. I typically see around .6 seconds of lag before the sensors register the correct ratio.
Unfortunately I can't see an easy way of handling a delay on just the one channel. Not to say it can't be done but setting something like that up that looks at all the past values and compares them to current values would require a lot of backend work that it's not setup for right now. If there is enough demand it's something I may be able to setup but I think a user adjustable delay may be an easier way to help accomplish that.
Unfortunately I can't see an easy way of handling a delay on just the one channel. Not to say it can't be done but setting something like that up that looks at all the past values and compares them to current values would require a lot of backend work that it's not setup for right now. If there is enough demand it's something I may be able to setup but I think a user adjustable delay may be an easier way to help accomplish that.

Will you be including an user adjustable delay? Also have you starting work on the wireless version of the software or are you still working on the Bluetooth version?
Will you be including an user adjustable delay? Also have you starting work on the wireless version of the software or are you still working on the Bluetooth version?

I've had to make a lot of changes for iOS 7 and I've added the user adjustable delay time for the warnings in that version. I've also added superlatives to the gauges. Tap any gauge and it shows the min/max that channel has seen. Tap again to clear the values.

One thing that worries me about a wifi model is that the devices that would use the wifi may actually be too slow to process the data, particularly the iPad which can show a great number of gauges. Either way I'm likely going to test one at some point. I plan on making a WIFI transmitter for the AEM Infinity system and once I learn a bit more about the wifi programming I should be able to quickly test a wifi transmitter on some of the older model iOS devices. No ETA on that though.


I playing with your app. How do you move the gauges?

Got it now.

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Do you setup your channels based on the logged parameters or does it recognize the name in the ems to get the right channel?
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I playing with your app. How do you move the gauges?

Got it now.

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Do you setup your channels based on the logged parameters or does it recognize the name in the ems to get the right channel?

The AEM Output doesn't send any relevant info to tell my app what channels it is sending so all that information must be setup beforehand.

Basically you choose which 19 channels you want to output using the AEM Software(AEM Pro for V1, or AEM Tuner for V1) in the Serial Telemetry settings. Once you have selected your channels there is a "Show Info" button, when you open this there is a list of output settings for each channel that you plug into the app. This will setup the app to read the 19 channels appropriately. This is where you would plug in the name, units, etc.

I'm going to make a few videos to show how to use the app when I get a chance.

To move a gauge Touch and hold. To Resize pinch with 2 fingers. To open that gauge's menu double tap it. To see high and low superlatives for that gauge single tap it, tap again to reset them.

To change the gauge style swipe up or down, to change that gauge's channel swipe left or right.
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The AEM Output doesn't send any relevant info to tell my app what channels it is sending so all that information must be setup beforehand.

Basically you choose which 19 channels you want to output using the AEM Software(AEM Pro for V1, or AEM Tuner for V1) in the Serial Telemetry settings. Once you have selected your channels there is a "Show Info" button, when you open this there is a list of output settings for each channel that you plug into the app. This will setup the app to read the 19 channels appropriately. This is where you would plug in the name, units, etc.

I'm going to make a few videos to show how to use the app when I get a chance.

To move a gauge Touch and hold. To Resize pinch with 2 fingers. To open that gauge's menu double tap it. To see high and low superlatives for that gauge single tap it, tap again to reset them.

To change the gauge style swipe up or down, to change that gauge's channel swipe left or right.

Would this be the Telemetry Wizard?

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Found it. Do we need to make any changes to the baud rate and do we match the settings from the Show Info screen ie scalar, offset, signed, etc?
Would this be the Telemetry Wizard?

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Found it. Do we need to make any changes to the baud rate and do we match the settings from the Show Info screen ie scalar, offset, signed, etc?

Telemetry wizard is selected first and you just double click the latest datastream gauge and click ok. Once that is setup then you don't need to touch any of those settings ie baud, parity, etc...Just select your channels and copy the Show Info Settings into the app.

Once that is setup in the AEM Software thats it. You can connect my Bluetooth transmitter and you could be up and running within a few minutes.
Newest update is in the app store and available for download now. Check it out if you guys want the name of the app is "Digital Logic" and it's a free download. Let me know what you think! Here is your chance to shape the outcome of your gauge display, no middle man involved, I do all the programming, graphics, electronics, myself. Look forward to your feedback for the next update.

Quick Navigation tips:

-Swipe up/down to change gauge styles
-Swipe left/right to change to next/previous channel
-Touch and hold to move the gauge around
-Pinch with 2 fingers to resize any gauge
-Double Tap to open the menu for that gauge
will you be at NSXPO next week? Be great to see your system and talk through this...
Sad to say I won't be at NSXPO this year. I ended up decided to go to SEMA instead in Vegas next month. Couldn't get the time away for both unfortunately.
You should do well there... enjoy!!!

Sad to say I won't be at NSXPO this year. I ended up decided to go to SEMA instead in Vegas next month. Couldn't get the time away for both unfortunately.
Should be submitting an update today today. It can take as little as 24 hours to review, but sometimes 3-4 days depending. Check it out and let me know what you think. It is a free download from the app store. The name of the app is Digital Logic.

Also added back in the ability to rotate any gauge. I had this feature a while ago but was having errors with gauges moving all over the place when you resized them. Fixed the issues and now it's back. Just take two fingers and rotate them about the center to rotate any gauge.

Some new gauge designs in the works. First is a Reventon Style display. Working on a few other gauges that display a combination or 2 or 3 different Data Channels.




1.2 is Live. Working on 1.3 now.

I've got some vehicle data for my newest gauges. The last photo with the dual graph mode is in it's very early stages but you can get the idea of what it does.

Here you can see Boost in KPA plotting against RPM with the third channel represented by the dot colors, AFR in this example

Below is Boost plotted against AFR, again with AFR as the third channel for the color display. A good example showing AFR's starting to run lean, I guess I might want to look into that, was particularly cold tonight.



