Advice on purchasing a NSX

Why can't anyone call them Supras or RX7s? What the heck is an FD?

When you get one, please don't call it an NA1 or NA2.

Good luck in your NSX quest.

I'm just use to saying MK4 and FD because when you say Supra or RX7 people usually ask what gen they are.

I'll try not to :tongue:

Thanks :)

I'm not big on domestic vehicles either, but I do find quite a bit of irony with setting a goal of obtaining 3 vehicles bearing the colors of our flag when they're all Japanese. You could instead dump the RX-7, get a red NSX, and the pair would be properly represented. :tongue:

Haha nah I love my 7 :biggrin:

Either red or sliver, thats the only two colors that I like on the older NSX.