Advice needed: NSX as a first car after graduation?

If you can afford to spend $30k-$40k, get the NSX. You've done your work and if you have good job lined up after grad school, there's no reason why you shouldn't reward yourself. After I completed my Residency and had a decent paying job, I bought a brand new 3000GT Spyder VR4. Why? Well just like you, I was in school for so long that I felt that I deserved to treat myself to something extravagant. Subsequently, I sold the car three years later and bought a house and an NSX at the same time.

You only have one question to answer for yourself. If you were on your deathbed would you say "I shouldn't have bought that NSX."?

Good luck.
I would have bought it. If you can afford the maintance, insurance and so on, and provide a safe parking spot for it (believe me, you won't get sleep if it's parked outside every night!!) - why not?

You should be realistic about the costs of a NSX. If you can handle it, I'm sure it's worth it.

I look younger than my age, and always got that "expensive car at so young age" look by, IMO, jealous neighboors ( :biggrin: ) - but once you start driving a X you really don't care anymore what others say.

You only live once, I'm sure you're going to have a blast. Much more class than Mitsubishi Evo and BMW's etc and you're going to own a piece of auto-history :)

Even after buying it, if you have to sell the NSX, you will get the same kind of money you paid for it back, because this car loose almost nothing i value! That's the best part.

Get a cheap everyday car, as Turbo2go adviced: Use as much time as you can to find that perfect well-maintained NSX :)
If you will be making a sufficient amount to where you can comfortably afford the NSX and at the same time, save up enough money for a new home, pay off existing debts and have money for personal leisure, by all means do it.
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It's funny, it reminds me of the parking lot at work; we all have cool cars.
At first, I would say go for it; but also it might not hurt to wait until you actually start your job, and let things settle down before you get the NSX.
As far as what people think of you because of what you drive, I say screw them! Make yourself happy the first place. But I also agree with most here, in the fact that you should first get an old jeep or spacious car first to get you around, and then take your time to find the right NSX.
Believe me, when you'll get your place, and I highly recommend you buy a house ASAP, you will find that jeep unvaluable!
From personal experience, I would get something sound and more practical. Save the NSX for a little later when you have the garage space for it and aren't forced to drive it every day.

You'll have plenty of time to get a toy car, so there isn't a huge need to rush it. I do believe enjoying life and splurging every now and again, however, an NSX as your only car probably isn't the wisest decision. I have three cars and none of them can really haul anything. I may be adding a fourth to the stable in the shape of an SUV or truck (or even a wagon). Our sedans do pretty well for everyday stuff, but if I wanted to go pick up another TV, I can't even get it home.
From personal experience, I would get something sound and more practical. Save the NSX for a little later when you have the garage space for it and aren't forced to drive it every day.

You'll have plenty of time to get a toy car, so there isn't a huge need to rush it. I do believe enjoying life and splurging every now and again, however, an NSX as your only car probably isn't the wisest decision. I have three cars and none of them can really haul anything. I may be adding a fourth to the stable in the shape of an SUV or truck (or even a wagon). Our sedans do pretty well for everyday stuff, but if I wanted to go pick up another TV, I can't even get it home.

This is so true. At one point I had an audi tt and NSX for my two cars. Neither one could hall a TV or shelving unit back from Costco. I was always having to borrow someones car or truck. Last year I got a 2001 Infiniti i30t w/ nearly 100,000 miles for $6700. It had new tires and service, just needed brakes. It was a great buy since the car runs perfect and can haul a 42 inch LCD. I highly suggest getting a nice Lexus or Infiniti for around $8000 and then get the NSX. You will not regret getting the NSX!!!
The OP ask this back in 2006. He must have decided by now. :redface:
God I am sick of these threads! :mad:

Save your money and buy a beater.
This is all very good advice. A little bit more about my situation. I will be single and my job is with a big fancy corporate law firm where most of my peers(new associates) will be driving the usual entry level audi,bmw etc. I have seen plenty of high prestige vechicles in the parking garage, so an NSX won't look out of place--but I'm assuming that the money cars usually belong to the higher ups. Unfortunately, this is a job where percieved image is important, especially for parntership consideration, thus blending into the crowd isn't a bad idea; although I dislike the fact that my job does dictate the type of car I have. I do like the idea of buying a decent used car, as a dd and to take clients out; and then saving up for an NSX. I'm just agaisnt spending 35-40K for a boring audi or bmw to fit in with my peers, when the same money can get a used NSX. Thanks for all the advice.

You are somewhat in the same position I am with my NSX. Actually at my work I'm the only one with a luxury looking sportscar except for my director who owns his McLaren F1. So I stand out like a pink sock in the parking garage!

My advice...if someone asks tell them how you fell in love with the car since x and that you've saved hard and have it as a hobby. Then suddenly the managers and senior associates above you will realize is not about show.

I do like Ski Bankers advice as you seem quite mature and with it. Wait a few months after starting then make the decision.

Good luck!