Advice needed: NSX as a first car after graduation?

30 November 2006
Greetings. I've been a lurker on this board for many years and have enjoyed the thoughtful dialogue that goes on here. I have wanted an NSX since I was 16; I'm 26 now and will finish up grad school in May. Fortunately I have a nice corporate gig lined up and will be in the market for a car under 40K. I feel like I should reward myself for 8 years of post secondary schooling and feel that I have delayed gratification long enough.

Though financially I could technically afford the car I am pondering the soundness of getting an NSX as my first car and primary car. Issues I am considering are:

Using it as a daily driver in the snow(mid western city with lake effect snow).

How I will be perceived as a new associate in a competitive corporate environment driving "such a fancy car".

The general financial soundness of buying such a car when I will have a fair amount of student loans to pay off(50K or so) and I would like to buy a condo as well.

My heart tells me to get the NSX; but my mind tells me to get something cheaper (used s2000, suburu sti etc.) and wait until a few years to settle my student loans, condo etc.

Any personal experiences and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
IMO any 2 seater (NSX included) is not a good only/primary car to have regardless of your other situations. I'd pay off your student loan and just drive a paid for 'beater' car or truck. Buy a place to live then see about getting a NSX.
Welcome. You need to search to archives a bit. All of these issues have been answered many times over, including driving in the snow.

In short, if you are considering driving in the snow, get a 91-94 model that you won't be afraid to "get a little dirty". It's been proven that with proper snow tires, these cars can be handle themselves reasonably in the muck. If you get in the deep stuff though, you will be in a heap of trouble. The car even in stock form is just too low for large snow accumulation.

IF I were you with 40k to spend...

I would get a used FWD beater accord, corolla, Subie, whatever. Spend no more than 8k if you can.

With the remaining $$$, I'd get a 91-94 NSX with 60-80k on the clock that has had the major maintenance(TB/WP. etc) done.

Happy hunting.
Paul91 said:
Welcome. You need to search to archives a bit. All of these issues have been answered many times over, including driving in the snow.

In short, if you are considering driving in the snow, get a 91-94 model that you won't be afraid to "get a little dirty". It's been proven that with proper snow tires, these cars can be handle themselves reasonably in the muck. If you get in the deep stuff though, you will be in a heap of trouble. The car even in stock form is just too low for large snow accumulation.

IF I were you with 40k to spend...

I would get a used FWD beater accord, corolla, Subie, whatever. Spend no more than 8k if you can.

With the remaining $$$, I'd get a 91-94 NSX with 60-80k on the clock that has had the major maintenance(TB/WP. etc) done.

Happy hunting.

I don't know what kind of job you will have. But I do think that if the NSX is your daily driver it will send a not entirely positive message about you. You're just starting out and haven't proven your value to your employer. All NSX from 91-01 look essentially the same so the casual observer will think you have an expensive exotic (even if you only spend $30K). You may also have to entertain clients or drive more than one person. I'd hate to be the person that can't participate in business entertainment because I can't carry any people or minimal luggage.

If you can swing a 4 passenger daily driver and NSX, go for it!

Edit - find a used AWD Element to go with a 91 NSX. You have your snow vehicle and your dream car.
I say get the finances in place first. Americans in general are in a ton of debt and I suggest not being one of those people. Get everything paid off first, save some money, then buy and NSX. With my car hobby now, my "game" that I play is I have to work deals to make money to buy the cars or modifications I want. For instance, I've bought several wrecked cars and parted them out, and then I use that money that I profit on those deals to buy my mods or cars. I recently got Volk GT-C's for one of my cars, and I got them buy buying a car that had them, putting that car back to stock using parts from a parts car I had, selling the mods that were on it, then sold the car stock. I ended up with about $4k in parts for free after all was said and done. Granted this is not the most efficient method, but IMO it is fun, and certainly better than carrying debt. It's good practice for wheeling and dealing, and I can save the money for other business ventures such as rental properties that make money, not depreciate in value. Also, the more I do this, the more amazed I am at the crazy deals I can find. It's not uncommon for me to find a car I double my money on, and have even quadrupled in some cases. I too am looking for my first NSX, and I will get one when I've made enough from all of these other deals to buy one. I'm presently up to 9 MR2s, so after selling a few of those, you can bet I won't be far off. Also, you will be plenty able to enjoy an NSX when you are 30, and it will be cheaper to do so (insurance, etc), so don't sweat getting one so soon. Some smart money decisions when you are young can have a huge impact as the years go by. Remember that wealth is measured in time. How long can you maintain your lifestyle without working? I don't care how much someone has, if they lost their job and they lost everything they had after two or three months of not working, they are not very wealthy, and believe me, there are many people like that out there. My .02. Your mileage may vary.
nismodao said:
Greetings. I've been a lurker on this board for many years and have enjoyed the thoughtful dialogue that goes on here. I have wanted an NSX since I was 16; I'm 26 now and will finish up grad school in May. Fortunately I have a nice corporate gig lined up and will be in the market for a car under 40K. I feel like I should reward myself for 8 years of post secondary schooling and feel that I have delayed gratification long enough.

Though financially I could technically afford the car I am pondering the soundness of getting an NSX as my first car and primary car. Issues I am considering are:

Using it as a daily driver in the snow(mid western city with lake effect snow).

How I will be perceived as a new associate in a competitive corporate environment driving "such a fancy car".

The general financial soundness of buying such a car when I will have a fair amount of student loans to pay off(50K or so) and I would like to buy a condo as well.

My heart tells me to get the NSX; but my mind tells me to get something cheaper (used s2000, suburu sti etc.) and wait until a few years to settle my student loans, condo etc.

Any personal experiences and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Nismodao,

I too am in search for an NSX. Personally, I would buy your condo first, before the NSX. Your condo will make you money in the long run, not to mention a decent tax write off. Plus, you want to provide a nice and safe place to park your NSX. =)

Although if you are shopping for a 91-94, those will less likely depreciate much, if it does, it will be minimal.

Just my thoughts...=)

I bought my nsx after graduating from grad school as well and started out in Chicago area, so here's my comment based on my experience.

nismodao said:
Using it as a daily driver in the snow(mid western city with lake effect snow).
You should get a winter beater for this. I kept my college day beater '88 Mazda MX6 for this duty.

nismodao said:
How I will be perceived as a new associate in a competitive corporate environment driving "such a fancy car".

It depends on your peers. My peers were very cool about it and I never got any resentment. If you have a good job, then mostlikely, your peers are paid similarly so they can afford the same luxury as you and they probably wouldn't care much.

nismodao said:
The general financial soundness of buying such a car when I will have a fair amount of student loans to pay off(50K or so) and I would like to buy a condo as well.

Fortunately, I had my student loan paid off by then and I had no interest in buying a real estate so I bought the nsx. If i were to do it again, I would consider buying a condo or TH, though I would probably still buy the NSX at the same time. If I were in your shoes, I would buy a condo and pay off at least some of the student loan before buying a $30-40k car. You should break it down to monthly basis. See how much you'll take home from your salary, then see how much your monthly payment for condo and student loan will be + other expenses like food, clothe, etc.

nismodao said:
My heart tells me to get the NSX; but my mind tells me to get something cheaper (used s2000, suburu sti etc.) and wait until a few years to settle my student loans, condo etc.

At the end, if you can afford to get the NSX, then do get it. If it looks a bit iffy where you feel like you'd be in too much debt, then wait couple of years. There'll still be NSXes then. :)

Good luck

As a former graduate student... for too many years, I think you may want to go with your mind at this juncture, rather than your heart. The advice given here has been very sound: you're young, just starting out, debt and professional considerations are factors, etc... Realistically, I don't believe you can justify having an NXS as your DD at this point in your career given the outline you've given us... IMHO. Sounds like you've got a lot more on your plate right now than driving a boy toy to work.

Others here have noted; if you have the cash for a beater car plus an NSX, AND can still cover a mortgage (always good to start building equity!), your student loan (been there), NSX insurance (rape), tires (ouch), maintenance, yada yada, then go for it! If, however, buying an NSX now, at your first opportunity, will cause you difficulties in achieving more important goals, perhaps it would be wiser to keep your powder dry until things sort our a bit.

Having said all that, if I could've bought one of these babies at 26, I'd have done it in a New York minute... big help huh?
I'd do it. You only live once, and if you have a nice job lined up it shouldn't be a problem. You'll have a lot of fun with it.
I say go for it. You're intelligent. Hardworking (apparently). Rationally considering the pros and cons, including the "how will this be judged by the Bossman." That said -- you can probably make reasonable financial decisions. So, just decide if a less-than-convenient $30-40k sportscar works for you. The "do I save for home or student loans instead of an NSX" question is a nonissue, if you're going to spend 40k on a newer 3 series or something anyway.

As long as you understand the ownership costs of a used NSX, you'll be fine. Have fun. :smile:
You are a smart kid, I can tell by your post. So I am going to give it to you straight, because I have been there and know exactly where you are coming from.

Know that although I commend you on seeking some advice here, what is really happening is that at least a part of you is looking for some re-assurance to get the NSX.

You have a corporate job "lined up"... meaning you aren't working yet. So you went through school, you got a job, now you are antsy and eyeing the reward. You need to wait a bit longer. No one here knows your exact situation... your exact debt, income, needs, etc. Only you know... and you will know a lot better once you actually START working.

All these questions... what your boss will think... if you need a condo, if you can afford the car, etc. will be answered pretty clearly a few months into your job. Make your decision then. Not now.

The cost of the NSX for you will not be the car, it will come long term as you start to maintain and modify the car. You will do that, no matter how much you say you won't now, because the car will be the love of your life. 10 years you have been following this car, and you are 26? yub... you will start modding. And you will sink a lot of money in over time.

Looking at your age, I don't think practicality is that huge of a factor. Honestly. You probably have no wife, no kids, 2 seats will work and you will learn to deal with the lack of trunk space and you will find a way to get around in the few days of snow.

What you DON'T want to do, is settle and get something more "practical", and spend that 40K anyway. Then you will always be wishing you had bought the NSX, and frankly, you will be right.

Keep the NSX in sight. If you buy a car, drop as little as possible. Start your job, see how things work out. Then come back to the forum and re-post your question. We are all NSX enthusiasts here... no one wants to keep you away from your dream car. If some are telling you to wait, you should seriously listen. I am not even telling you to wait that long. I am just saying start your job and work a few months and evaluate at that point.
This is all very good advice. A little bit more about my situation. I will be single and my job is with a big fancy corporate law firm where most of my peers(new associates) will be driving the usual entry level audi,bmw etc. I have seen plenty of high prestige vechicles in the parking garage, so an NSX won't look out of place--but I'm assuming that the money cars usually belong to the higher ups. Unfortunately, this is a job where percieved image is important, especially for parntership consideration, thus blending into the crowd isn't a bad idea; although I dislike the fact that my job does dictate the type of car I have. I do like the idea of buying a decent used car, as a dd and to take clients out; and then saving up for an NSX. I'm just agaisnt spending 35-40K for a boring audi or bmw to fit in with my peers, when the same money can get a used NSX. Thanks for all the advice.
I've seen this brought up before - and wanted to ask....

Do you really think it matters what the co-workers think? Maybe I'm young and naive - but I'd have to say if it was an issue... I'd leave the firm. I wouldn't wanna have to sacrifice my personal happiness to satisfy people who are either jealous of your finances, jealous of your balls to actually buy something you want, or who will judge you negatively based on the car you drive.

Like I said, maybe I'm young and naive, I AM 22 and still in college... but I can't say I'd let that deter me from buying my dreamcar if I could afford it.
Turbo2go: Wow you really hit it right on the nail. I am here looking for reassurance because logic says to wait just a little longer. Its just that I'm so close to the prize and to be honest getting an NSX was always a motivating factor in going to grad school-especially right now as I'm staring at the pile of books I need to get through to prepare for finals. But as others have posted you only live once.
nismodao said:
This is all very good advice. A little bit more about my situation. I will be single and my job is with a big fancy corporate law firm where most of my peers(new associates) will be driving the usual entry level audi,bmw etc. I have seen plenty of high prestige vechicles in the parking garage, so an NSX won't look out of place--but I'm assuming that the money cars usually belong to the higher ups. Unfortunately, this is a job where percieved image is important, especially for parntership consideration, thus blending into the crowd isn't a bad idea; although I dislike the fact that my job does dictate the type of car I have. I do like the idea of buying a decent used car, as a dd and to take clients out; and then saving up for an NSX. I'm just agaisnt spending 35-40K for a boring audi or bmw to fit in with my peers, when the same money can get a used NSX. Thanks for all the advice.

If you're going to spend $35 to $40K anyways, I say get the NSX, and drive the NSX to work. Unless you will need to drive your clients or associates around, then I would go with the entry level Audi & BMW. I don't know what kind of impression you would make driving your clients or associates in a beater. I don't think telling them about your NSX at home would cut it...=)

Just my 2 cents...=)

CL65: Good one, the dreaded lawyer joke-that was why I was hesitant to post my profession.:cool: Though I would like to think that as a future patent attorney I'm less slimy than an amubulance chaser.
Had to poke... it's what I do. :biggrin:

My Sis-In-Law does ERISA in Chicago. So I know there are good lawyers too that are productive instead of destructive - ie. that aren't nuclear weapons (both sides have to have them and once you unleash them they f_ck everything up).
nismodao said:
Turbo2go: Wow you really hit it right on the nail. I am here looking for reassurance because logic says to wait just a little longer. Its just that I'm so close to the prize and to be honest getting an NSX was always a motivating factor in going to grad school-especially right now as I'm staring at the pile of books I need to get through to prepare for finals. But as others have posted you only live once.

Why don't you just get a generic boring car 4 doors and FWD like a Camry or Accord first. Even a Taurus or something.... Mitsibishi Gallant... there you go... nice and cheap.

You will need the daily driver. Then start working, and start looking for an NSX. A good one will take a while to find. Pay for the beater in cash. Then save up a bit more, and get a nice NSX. I'd shoot for an 02+.

Honestly if there is anyone that deserves an NSX its someone like you. I can tell you one thing... you will LOVE it.

As for what the corporates think... with your Taurus you are just an MIB... you will fit in fine. When they see your NSX, you can tell them its a Honda. That its 5x more reliable than their entry BMW/Audi, requires less maintenance and shop time, sips less gas, and depreciates a WHOLE LOT less. Now who is the smart attorney and who is the dummy... "you tell me!!"... tell'em just like that. :biggrin:
The "you only live once" logic naturally has an immediate appeal, but I think you know inside that delayed gratification is the best bet in the long run. Ironically, when I applied to law school, my personal statement was on the very theme of delayed gratification and temporal sacrifice.

Also, when you're good at what you do, the "delay" is often short lived, thankfully. :)
I know a guy who is a patent laywer and he drives a CR-V. He works in Palo Alto, CA (where Stanford Univ is) and he seems fine.

I think your peers will respect you and judge you more by your work ethic and how you carry yourself than what you drive. Most corporate types drive boring luxury sedans because they lack creativity and think that's what they should be driving. You don't have to fall into that stereotype. Why not a ferrari, nsx, porsche... hehe.

If you're going to buy a 30-40k car anyways, I really don't think this talk about financially practical decision really applies to you. A bimmer or an audi can be just as expensive or even more so. I'd get something like an Acura TSX/TL and see how work goes.

But again, it's your life... and life isn't just about always making the best financially wise decisions... sometimes you have to live it. If an NSX won't break you, then it's really up to you in the end.

Although I'm a little Subaru-chauvanistic;), you should also consider a 2002/03 WRX to get you by until you purchase a home and NSX. They can be had for $10-12k now (check classifieds), and are amazingly reliable, fun vehicles. I've owned 5 of them, and taken three to over 100k miles before selling. All three of these were modified to 375-425 hp, and never gave me problems, which is why I'm sold on Subaru's combination of performance and reliability. Although the WRX is a step down from an STi, they have much cheaper car insurance rates than the STi, and are still very capable in inclement weather. Ultimately, you'd have the WRX as a fun, reliable back up to your NSX, which is a pretty sweet situation in my book. :)
I'm with TURBO2GO; get your everyday car now and start looking for your perfect-to-you NSX. From what I've read here in PRIME, it takes months (sometimes more than a year) to find the one that was meant to be yours.

My sister used to own the NSX I drive now and she was "only" an administrative assistant at a construction company. She had no problem with driving her car to work and didn't care what her co-workers might think or say. You should do and feel the same. You shouldn't have to justify your personal purchases to anyone but yourself.

As for waiting and the "you only live once" mentality, they really are words to live by. I say that the only wait should be after you've bought your daily driver but as soon as you find the NSX that's right for you. My sister owned hers for 2 years before she passed away... if she had waited to fulfill her dreams she never would have.

02#154 said:
I'm with TURBO2GO; get your everyday car now and start looking for your perfect-to-you NSX. From what I've read here in PRIME, it takes months (sometimes more than a year) to find the one that was meant to be yours.

My sister used to own the NSX I drive now and she was "only" an administrative assistant at a construction company. She had no problem with driving her car to work and didn't care what her co-workers might think or say. You should do and feel the same. You shouldn't have to justify your personal purchases to anyone but yourself.

As for waiting and the "you only live once" mentality, they really are words to live by. I say that the only wait should be after you've bought your daily driver but as soon as you find the NSX that's right for you. My sister owned hers for 2 years before she passed away... if she had waited to fulfill her dreams she never would have.

That's a good point looking for the "right" NSX is harder then it looks takes a while.
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