Advantages/Disadvantages of Having A T-Top!

27 May 2006
West San Gabriel Valley Area, CA

I'm in the market for an NSX in the Southern California area (preferably in the LA basin). I would like to purchase a 95 because I like the t-top look, but it appears that this vintage is hard to find in Southern CA, and those that are available, and within my price range, are not in the best of condition. On the other hand, the availability and quality of 91 - 94 NSX’s appears to be much better, but naturally no T-Top. I would be willing to give up the T-top if those who have T-tops tend to not take them off because of wind noise or other reasons. It seems that in many of the photos of NSX's, the T-Tops are on when the car is being driven, and off when they are for sale or being shown.

My question is, for those of you that have T-Tops:

How often do you take them off?
What kind of wind noise do you experience?
Any other disadvantages?
How much value do you place on having a T-Top


i love having my targa top. I've had both. Them nice days your gonna wish you got the targa top. Having said that i drive my NSX everyday and avearage taking it out 3 times a week. Sometime more sometime less, but it is a nice option to have. I find myself driving with the top in more if i have a lady in the car as they usually request this for hair reasons etc. Those who never take the top of there car i do not understand them. If it is a beautiful day out I can only imagine it's because they can't be bothered.
Ofcoarse it also depends if your gonna track the car and what yuor budget is etc. I would sooner get a 97+ with higher miles than a low mileage 95-96
I prefer the NSX as a coupe. It was, afterall, originally designed as a solid roof car. Our Supra TT is a targa. I think I only removed the top about 2 or 3 times total.
At the end of the day, What is important to you?

For me...
How often do you take them off?--all the time
What kind of wind noise do you experience?--i also have a convertible, when you have the top down, the wind will hit and make some noise.
Any other disadvantages?--put it back on to wash the car
How much value do you place on having a T-Top?--in southern cali, it is a plus

mcano said:

I'm in the market for an NSX in the Southern California area (preferably in the LA basin). I would like to purchase a 95 because I like the t-top look, but it appears that this vintage is hard to find in Southern CA, and those that are available, and within my price range, are not in the best of condition. On the other hand, the availability and quality of 91 - 94 NSX’s appears to be much better, but naturally no T-Top. I would be willing to give up the T-top if those who have T-tops tend to not take them off because of wind noise or other reasons. It seems that in many of the photos of NSX's, the T-Tops are on when the car is being driven, and off when they are for sale or being shown.

My question is, for those of you that have T-Tops:

How often do you take them off?
What kind of wind noise do you experience?
Any other disadvantages?
How much value do you place on having a T-Top


Great for sun....... bad for wind noise at high speed and leaks if the moulding and window don't seal...... which goes to the wind noise issue....... oh and don't forget any paper in the front passenger seat...... I had 3 ($20 each) bills fly out of the car on the 110 Freeway heading south around Ave 64 driving back to Redondo from the Hooter's in Pasadena

Danny RED SR 71
REPEAL V.C. 22351
:smile: :biggrin: :wink:
I prefer a coupe. 2 main reasons...

1. Weight! The T-top much heavier than the coupe because of the additional chassis strengthening

2. Wind noise.. Even with the T-top on you get wind noise at speed then...
i know i've heard of somepeople here giving up their later model nsxs for early ones without the Ttop. does it affect handling much? afterall, that's probably the nsxs strongest point.

when i was first looking for an nsx, i was convinced i was going to get a ttop model. i would LOVE to have one, but i could not justify the price (especially if you get a 95 or 96 where the only diff is the top).

what are the other, more technical differences - especially from you people who've had both old and new (nsxs, that is :tongue: ).
Mario I think you should pick the best CAR. Each has is pluses and minuses... Mine is a T and I take it off anytime I can... but this car is quite fun with the top on, unlike many other cars. It does also shake a bit with the top off, and at high speeds, of course there is some noise. The car is heavier, and taking the top off and putting it back on everytime you leave it in a lot is a PIA... or you take more risk if you just leave it off.

The open airing is terrific.... but if I was in your position, I would look at both and pick the best CAR. I think the T should not be the determining factor. A clean NSX with a good engine, clean body, etc is more important than if its a T or not. If it happens to be a T, great shape, within budget, then great... take it over the coupe. But if its a choice of a great condition coupe versus a so-so T, then take the coupe.

Like I said the car is plenty-o-fun... top on, or off. Keep that in mind. Look at all the models you can find, and pick the best car. Thats as good advice as I can give you.
If it was not that difficult to take the top on/off, Id have it OFF all the time...

In SoCal, driving with the top off is definitely a PLUS , UNLESS you are stuck in the 405 Traffic @ noon as it gets pretty darn hot..I used to take my ex-lady out with the top off the car so she can tan a bit:wink:

I wish the coupe was so easily available in the latter year models because that is what I would want.

I don't ever have the urge to take it off. Perhaps being in Houston makes me feel the way that I do (too hot and the humidity is nasty). I never used moonroofs either in any car that I had either.
smoore said:
i love having my targa top. I've had both. Them nice days your gonna wish you got the targa top. Having said that i drive my NSX everyday and avearage taking it out 3 times a week. Sometime more sometime less, but it is a nice option to have. I find myself driving with the top in more if i have a lady in the car as they usually request this for hair reasons etc. Those who never take the top of there car i do not understand them. If it is a beautiful day out I can only imagine it's because they can't be bothered.
Ofcoarse it also depends if your gonna track the car and what yuor budget is etc. I would sooner get a 97+ with higher miles than a low mileage 95-96

I apologize for this in advance, but everytime I read one of Smoore's posts, it might as well say "yada yada yada". To revive an old request - please snap your trap and post more pics of your avatar! :biggrin: :eek: :biggrin:
Psychobiology said:
I prefer the NSX as a coupe. It was, afterall, originally designed as a solid roof car. Our Supra TT is a targa. I think I only removed the top about 2 or 3 times total.

But keep in mind the Supra targa top is a pain in the butt to take in and out the NSX is very easy and takes less than 30 seconds. No alan keys or screw drivers needed like the Vettes and Supra's
smoore said:
But keep in mind the Supra targa top is a pain in the butt to take in and out the NSX is very easy and takes less than 30 seconds. No alan keys or screw drivers needed like the Vettes and Supra's

That is very true. I remember taking the NSX targa top off of a couple NSXs that I was interested in before purchasing my NSX. I recall just unlatching two latches and stowing the targa in the clamshell.
I found an old, but similar thread:

"s2ktaxi" states that his S2000 felt stiffer than his NSX-T with the top on. While I haven't spent that much time behind the wheel of an NSX-T, I have to agree that the S2000 has a very stiff chasis for a convertible. This is probably due to the fact that the S2000 was originally designed to be an open top vehicle whereas the NSX was not. Having a power convertible top is much more convenient than any targa in my opinion.
How often do you take them off?

Occasionally, but only for short drives in the city or country. But long drives with the top off will wear you out.

What kind of wind noise do you experience?

With the top on and the windows rolled up, not much. With the top off and running at freeway speeds, you can hardly hear the stereo unless it's turned way up.

Any other disadvantages?

  • More body flex than coupes, even with the top on. Take the top off and the car will feel like a slinky going around corners. :D
  • Have less headroom than a coupe.
  • Have a tendency to leak water around the top edge of the side windows.

How much value do you place on having a T-Top

Not much. Given all of the negatives, I still love the car and don't mind that it's a T-top.
Psychobiology said:
I found an old, but similar thread:

"s2ktaxi" states that his S2000 felt stiffer than his NSX-T with the top on. While I haven't spent that much time behind the wheel of an NSX-T, I have to agree that the S2000 has a very stiff chasis for a convertible. This is probably due to the fact that the S2000 was originally designed to be an open top vehicle whereas the NSX was not. Having a power convertible top is much more convenient than any targa in my opinion.

Well, I remember the British "CAR" magazine mentioned: Honda disclosed that the S2000 has the chassis regidity that is on part with the NSX T.

That alone tells you that the NSX T is very regid. There is no doubt that the coupe is stiffer, but I don't think it will make that much difference if you don't track it. I drive with my top off as much as I can, and with the Type R suspension, that last thing on my mind is if the chassis of my car is not as stiff as the coupe. I think the benefit of the T will out weight the Cpe. My NSX T went through a diet program and it is definitely lighter than the stock cpe. I like my car with open top option.
We have talked about this topic before,and I find no significant degredation in track performance with my T as long as the roof is on.Peter Mills also tracks a T and has logged 1000's of track miles,same with Mark B.Now I do get plenty of interior squeaks but I also have the R susp and use R tires plus i'm sure most of my interior trim just needs to be lubed up a bit.Top off though is a diferent story.I must also say that I have the front R braces and the harness bar helps stiffen things up a little,fwiw.
I have owned 1 coupe and 2 T's. I much prefer the T's (one because of the 3.2/6 speed, as I have never driven a coupe so equipped) and rarely install my top. I would say it is on 1 out of 20 times I drive it if that. That said, the coupe is very nice also, but not quite the stress reliever the T' is after a long day at work.
There is nothing like a T. My top is NEVER on. If you are so worried about stiffness, put on some sways and tighten it that way. If you are going to track it, get a coupe.

The only way to tell is to drive them both and then make your decision.
AU_NSX said:
I prefer a coupe. 2 main reasons...

1. Weight! The T-top much heavier than the coupe because of the additional chassis strengthening

2. Wind noise.. Even with the T-top on you get wind noise at speed then...

agreed.. after hundreds of times removing and putting it back the weather stripe will damage and then it leaks..
I suppose it depends on what type of driving you do, the local climate and your personal preferences. I live in South Florida where it's hot as hell most of the time, I also do a lot of high speed highway driving, I also like to listen to my tunes. Therefore I drive a coupe. My friend recently bought a T. I find the noise and wind intrusion unbearable on the highway.

I also prefer the original look of the black cockpit on my red car. In my opinion this one of the features that defines the NSX. Honda only added the T as way to boost sluggish sales. I feel that not making coupes available shortly after the T was introduced was a huge mistake on their part.

Thanks everyone for your impute. My questions have for the most part been answered. However, I should have known that personal preference would weigh heavily on your opinions.

First, I'm not interested in tracking the car. Therefore, rigidity and lighter weight is not that important to me. At 55, I'll be more of a cruiser than a racer. However, I would like to participate in a NSX track event some day.

My first car while in college was a 64 MGB, and although it was slow and the most expensive car my parents ever owned, the open air and sun was the best part of driving the car. This experience is the main reason why I'm interested in the T-top. However, I am still apprehensive about the negative aspects of wind noise and water leaks. This was one of my issues and the reason why I posted this thread. For some of you, this has been a significant drawback. However, the message I got out of your discussions is that the pros of the T-top appear to outweigh the cons, and people were more passionate about the positives. In addition, the car will not be my daily driver, so if wind noise and leakage problems arise, hopefully they will not wear on me.

One thing that did surprised me is that I do not recall anyone mentioning the several improvements made to the 95+ models (see Gen Info, modifications per model year). Are the benefits of the modifications that negligible, or were you all sticking to the topic?

In summation, I will look for a 95+ T, which means I will need to pony-up a few more thousand to do so.

Again, thanks for all of your impute.
