Nothing fancy, but it kept me occupied during a slow day at work. Some of the levels took me a while to figure out...
I don't understand 47
I am having a hell of a time with number 41 The gun and the safe. The safe if above a hole and when I shoot at the safe, it falls into the hole. I need to get the safe over by the wall to kill myself.
No, you actually stand to the left of the wood box and you jump. As you jump you gotta shoot the box and press right as the same time that way you fall into the hole and the safe falls on you.
I am having a hell of a time with number 41 The gun and the safe. The safe if above a hole and when I shoot at the safe, it falls into the hole. I need to get the safe over by the wall to kill myself.
No, you actually stand to the left of the wood box and you jump. As you jump you gotta shoot the box and press right as the same time that way you fall into the hole and the safe falls on you.
Check this level out!!
Level 7.... there is a Key.. K for key!
Game gets a little freaky after level 15