Adam Carolla The 24 Hour War

29 December 2010
Pittsburgh, PA
Anyone else buy or watch this yet?

I pre-ordered a Blu-ray copy in October, have watched it twice so far. The first minute of the movie is slow pan close-up shots of a GT40 and one of its rival F-cars, views I never saw that close before. I am not super educated in GT40 history, so to me this was a nicely put together educational and entertaining documentary. One of the better $15 I've spent. I admire Carolla's way of doing things in general; seems like his podcasting and other entertainment career choices are all about making a good life for his family, making great car/racing documentaries, and keeping his garage healthily stocked. Smart, matter-of-fact, low-key but influential, and truly building things with love (unlike that Subaru poseur built with love marketing schtick). Like our NSXs.

Anyone else like or dislike it?