Acura apologizes for keeping things on the light side

Seems pretty silly to me. They are paying for the commercial. They can cast whoever they want. Maybe next time they will want a white guy that is not too tanned. So is that discrimination against the Jersy Shore?
What I think is funny about those objections is, the assumption is that it's okay to cast for skin color by specifying a particular race (African-American) but it's not okay to cast for skin color by specifying more narrowly within that race. :rolleyes:

Don't get me wrong; I still remember the fifties and sixties when all commercials pictured only white people, with the exception of Aunt Jemima. I'm glad we've come a long way from then, with television that looks more like the real world, and specific casting is how that's accomplished. But there sure is a lot of irony in those objections and apologies!
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I cannot believe in this day and age, there still saying, “not too dark”, maybe next time they should say “not too tall”. I don’t care what color your skin is, as long as, you can get the job done. Maybe that’s just me :wink:
Why is Acura apologizing for this? Didn't they hire a company to make this commercial for them? I doubt Acura even knew about it.
Seems pretty silly to me. They are paying for the commercial. They can cast whoever they want. Maybe next time they will want a white guy that is not too tanned. So is that discrimination against the Jersy Shore?

My thoughts exactly.

Seriously, Best Buy should have to apologize for a casting request of "only pale, bespectacled white guys" for geeksquad commercials. If you know the meaning of GTL, then you have no chance.

"Journalism" is so far in the toilet these days it's not even funny. Bless the few who write something that's not solely aimed at getting the most views/clicks.
Why is Acura apologizing for this? Didn't they hire a company to make this commercial for them? I doubt Acura even knew about it.

From the article:

Cathi Carlton Casting, the agency hired by Acura to choose actors, declined comment. An employee who answered the phone at the agency's Santa Monica, California, office said they would defer to Acura's apology.

Acura spokesman Gary Robinson told CNN that the company did not know about the casting description until the TMZ story was published.

I'm guessing Acura won't be working with that casting company again.
Isn't that Marketing 101... "Know Your Audience"...?

Like someone from Austria complaining they didn't get the part in a Latin soap opera... Seriously...

This is not news.
I think all of the beer companies should be sued for never using homely looking obese women in their commercials. :rolleyes: When did we become a country of apologies?
I think all of the beer companies should be sued for never using homely looking obese women in their commercials. :rolleyes: When did we become a country of apologies?

^^ roger that. I'm black/Asian and I'm sick of the sensitivity of all this crap. When was the last time we saw a commercial with a thug/robber/someone breaking the law that wasn't a white person? Helloooo????? Asians, blacks, and Latino's commit crimes too.. not just the white man. But they can't cast anyone but a white person, because some activist is just waiting to cause a stink because they took personal offense to a casting job. :mad: Although putting "Not too dark" in a description for a cast member does REALLY look bad. You'd be kidding yourself if you didn't see it that way.

And the only reason I can get away with even writing this is because I am black/Asian.. cause if I were white, some ethnic people would start calling me a bigot racist for even writing this post.

And I notice this in EVERY commercial. Kinda like white people can't enjoy McDonalds too.
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^^ roger that. I'm black/Asian and I'm sick of the sensitivity of all this crap. When was the last time we saw a commercial with a thug/robber/someone breaking the law that wasn't a white person? Helloooo????? Asians, blacks, and Latino's commit crimes too.. not just the white man. But they can't cast anyone but a white person, because some activist is just waiting to cause a stink because they took personal offense to a casting job. :mad:

And the only reason I can get away with even writing this is because I am black/Asian.. cause if I were white, some ethnic people would start calling me a bigot racist for even writing this post.

And I notice this in EVERY commercial. Kinda like white people can't enjoy McDonalds too.

you're such a racist :biggrin:
I cannot believe in this day and age, there still saying, “not too dark”, maybe next time they should say “not too tall”. I don’t care what color your skin is, as long as, you can get the job done. Maybe that’s just me :wink:

This further proofs that our society is on the verge of falling off the cliff, when a TV presentation is under scrutiny for the type of look they want.

If they want to say "NOT TOO TALL" so the guy fits better in a NSX for a commercial, they have the right to do so.
Crazy thing is that guy is my friend and I would by no means consider him light skinned. What I do think is f'd up is that the advertising agency would write something like that. I looked at his FB page to see if anyone had commented this am when I saw it, nothing then. Feel bad as I feel like it's stealing his limelight!
When i read this i was completely annoyed that this would cast a bad light on Acura and not the casting agency. Acura hired an agency to handle their commercials and casting but John Q. Public is going to run around saying...."Acura is racist"
Secondly a casting call is just that, you can have whomever you want in your commercial based on whatever parameters you choose whether its target audience or whatever. That being said, it was very poor judgement on the casting agency's part to write "not too dark"
Just ask for an african american actor and choose whichever one fits your bill and this wouldve never been an issue. Before anyone jumps down my throat, i AM african american and im a general sales manager for a Honda dealership. I interview people weekly for jobs and i also have to choose which actors and actresses i want in our commercials and walkaround videos. As much as this is a free country, you should be politically correct when dealing with people especially when you expect them to support your business.
Crazy thing is that guy is my friend and I would by no means consider him light skinned. What I do think is f'd up is that the advertising agency would write something like that. I looked at his FB page to see if anyone had commented this am when I saw it, nothing then. Feel bad as I feel like it's stealing his limelight!

LOL Not light skinned?? He's so light if you asked black people about the commercial they say "There was a black guy in that commercial??". On top of all that the whole inccident ran in Febraury which is black history month LOL

Also the term is light "skindid" :wink:
News travels quick:

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My favorite, around 1:48 :biggrin:

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LOL Not light skinned?? He's so light if you asked black people about the commercial they say "There was a black guy in that commercial??". On top of all that the whole inccident ran in Febraury which is black history month LOL

Also the term is light "skindid" :wink:

Thats lighting then, he is not what I would consider light skinned, no more than Whoopi or Oprah.
This reminded me of a very old SNL skit.

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Thats lighting then, he is not what I would consider light skinned, no more than Whoopi or Oprah.

You are totally right. He really isn't which makes this all the more humorous to me. Why is this even newsworthy lol
This is a recent picture of DJ in another TV is he light skinned???


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They should be appologizing for using a Comedian who isn't funny and such a Porsche snob he wouldn't dare own a NSX even if they gave it to him. Actually, I think Leno wouldn't either. I think I remember reading an article where Leno actually dissed the current NSX.

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They should be appologizing for using a Comedian who isn't funny and such a Porsche snob he wouldn't dare own a NSX even if they gave it to him. Actually, I think Leno wouldn't either. I think I remember reading an article where Leno actually dissed the current NSX.

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I think Leno just wasn't a fan of the nsx because he thought it needed more power. Maybe they should have hired Kevin Eubanks to be the sales guy. :biggrin:

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