*Absolute Brilliance*

Hugh said:
Armando is still working on it. Just give him some more time. :biggrin:

I'm working on it too but would settle for a way of getting to Mars in less than 5 months. 5 days would be good enough. :biggrin:

The light barrier will be broken someday. Just because we don't understand now doesn't mean its impossible.
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The other thing is that as you would approach the speed of light, your mass would become infinite. Thus passing though the speed of light would be a "challenge".
BioBanker said:
The other thing is that as you would approach the speed of light, your mass would become infinite. Thus passing though the speed of light would be a "challenge".
"Infinite mass"??:eek: :eek: :eek: ..I had a Girl friend like that :biggrin:

As Bono says..."Big girls are best":wink:
Who remembers the older speed/time experiments?

The hypothesis is that as you approach the speed of light, time slows.

The closest they could get to testing this is when the put an atomic clock up in orbit, if I remember correctly. I believe when it came down it did indeed have a different time than the perfectly synched atomic clock that stayed on Earth. If you call one one millionth of a second (or something like that) different; regardless, it couldnt be explained by inaccuracy of the time piece.

Anyone remember that better than I?
BioBanker said:
Who remembers the older speed/time experiments?

The hypothesis is that as you approach the speed of light, time slows.

The closest they could get to testing this is when the put an atomic clock up in orbit, if I remember correctly. I believe when it came down it did indeed have a different time than the perfectly synched atomic clock that stayed on Earth. If you call one one millionth of a second (or something like that) different; regardless, it couldnt be explained by inaccuracy of the time piece.

Anyone remember that better than I?
I remember hearing about the atomic clock thing a long time ago and then again recently with regard to IIS and its atomic clock. I believed they have measured that the space station loses 1 second of time sync with the Earth every 10,000 years.

The effect you describe is "time dilation" and it occurs as you move faster or enter a higher gravitational field. Hence time is *relative* to the observer and time/light/gravity are all interlinked. So what is weird if you could build a space ship that could travel at 99% the speed of light, you could take trips anywhere in the solar system in what would seem to you to be seconds but when you return to Earth hours or days would have passed.
Imagine if antares was the size of earth....it take years!! to travel from place to place with today's technology.

And Bill gates selling windows would be a gigagaigaliioooonare.

since the Theory of Relativity is only a "theory"...

Could it be wrong?

We once thought the sound barrier was inpenetrable... people died trying to get through it. Finally, we did.

Could light be the same thing?
Mermi, great post.

95EagleAWD said:
Since the speed of light can be altered as well, why can't we go faster than it?

Honda's working on it... dont you worry... nsx2 baby :)

Aero said:
There's a town somewhere in the USA that has a scale model of the spacing of the solar system too....

...you mean nerdville? :D

my last wisecrack...

<img src="http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/1618/nsxtasypostcountua9.jpg" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" />
Uranus is bigger then I thought... I thought that Pluto was considered a moon of Uranus or something. And what happened to Saturn? I guess they were ashamed of the cars and took it off the list...:biggrin:
omeys_berlina said:
I thought that Pluto was considered a moon of Uranus or something.

Pluto has it's own moon "Charon" (even though they are roughly the same size and can be categorized as twin planets). There's been a lot of debate over the years whether Pluto is a real planet or whether it's a kuiper belt object due to its proximity and orbit. Based on the traditional definition of a planet, three other "planets" were discovered beyond Pluto of similar size and orbit. Of course there's been a lot of debate whether they should be officially recognized as planets, or whether Pluto should no longer be recognized as a planet, especially since hundreds of objects have been identified in the kuiper belt so far with more coming all the time.

This past summer at the IAU's general assembly they held a vote and they officially booted Pluto out. Of course there's a bunch of controversy around that too because apparently they held the vote on the final day of the assembly when most of the members had already flown out so only a small percentage of members actually voted.

BTW, great post Mermi.. I had never seen those different stars shown relative to each other like that. Very cool!
"No, no, no, light speed is too slow....Yes, we're gonna have to go right to ludicrous speed" :D

--Dark Helmet
BioBanker said:
All this talk of lightspeed is making me feel very very heavy....

I get the concept of light speed, but what I dont get is that before it all began, everything in the above picture, all the planets, stars, galaxys and universe, everywhere, could be contained in one infinitely heavy spec of dust.

Now that's freakin' me out.

Hahaha! That's my *favorite* part ;) ...

We have some Great Thinkers in here!! I'm really enjoying listening to what you all are saying..... it's seriously mind blowing*

We have a few geniuses here in the "Prime Galaxy" :tongue: ..... thansx for sharing your thoughts!

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MiamiMermaid said:
Hahaha! That's my *favorite* part ;) ...

We have some Great Thinkers in here!! I'm really enjoying listening to what you all are saying..... it's seriously mind blowing*

We have a few geniuses here in Prime..... thansx for sharing your thoughts!

Hey whats even better is the fact that in the entire universe, there may exist infinite number of galaxies, or in other words, number of time-spaces. And the closest one may be just 0.000000000000000001m away. So if you could travel in your nsx just a bit faster than the speed of light for a fraction of a second, you might end up in a different galaxy! Isn't that amazing!
Arshad said:
Pluto has it's own moon "Charon" (even though they are roughly the same size and can be categorized as twin planets). There's been a lot of debate over the years whether Pluto is a real planet or whether it's a kuiper belt object due to its proximity and orbit. Based on the traditional definition of a planet, three other "planets" were discovered beyond Pluto of similar size and orbit. Of course there's been a lot of debate whether they should be officially recognized as planets, or whether Pluto should no longer be recognized as a planet, especially since hundreds of objects have been identified in the kuiper belt so far with more coming all the time.

This past summer at the IAU's general assembly they held a vote and they officially booted Pluto out. Of course there's a bunch of controversy around that too because apparently they held the vote on the final day of the assembly when most of the members had already flown out so only a small percentage of members actually voted.

BTW, great post Mermi.. I had never seen those different stars shown relative to each other like that. Very cool!

I also read of how they now have removed Pluto from being defined as a "planet." There is still much controversy, at hand. However, I don't believe it changes anything in the overall view of things. There's still sooo much unknown....

p.s. I like blackna1's idea of using the NSX as the vehicular tool to cross over galaxies. They shoulda' used this instead of the DeLorean (Back2Future) ;)

Edit: DeLorean, not Lotus:: oops my bad... ;)
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I couldn't resist!..................

P.S. Mermi....Check your damn PMs!

Hugh said:
I couldn't resist!..................

P.S. Mermi....Check your damn PMs!

If that's what your brain looks like, don't drag Mermi into this:biggrin:
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Seeing those pictures makes me feel claustrophobic (sp?); like I'm trapped here on this tiny planet. Almost frustrating knowing all of that is out there and I'll never see it in person. Damn! Life is too short. Anyone know of any vampires who could help w/ the eternal life thing? :wink: