%*&#% ABS pump.

So that is the sound that comes out from under the hood for about 30 seconds once every month or two ... annoying as hell

Yep, that's your ABS pump repressurizing the accumulator. You will also hear it after engaging ABS. Totally normal.
Just found this thread thru search; sorry to bring an old one back, but....

My pump is running frequently; today, after starting the car, it was running every 2 to 3 minutes (for 5 seconds or so at a time) for the first few miles. No ABS lights appearing at all.

I'll try working the system to see what happens. thx for the info!
Sounds like you accumulator is not holding pressure or you have another pressure leak somewhere. Does the cycling stop eventually during your drive?
Nope... tried locking up the brakes a few times tonight and no difference. Seems to run about every minute or so!
mine use to do it alot but I exercise it often now keeps it alive.

I have the newer style pump but have not ponied up for the SOS harness I need.
Things are quiet today.... thanks to some exercise!
Quick update: my pump was starting to frequently run again. Had the fluid flushed but no improvement.
And, when I say frequently, yesterday I timed it at less than every 2 minutes...for about 10 seconds each time. It seemed to get very bad very quickly.

Mother Nature must be a nsx fan.we had heavy rain tonight, which was perfect for deployment of the abs. Despite a remaining mist, I took out a very clean car about 11 pm and locked up the brakes about 10 times, getting the accumulator to work pretty heavily.

After the first few lockups, I never heard the pump. Of course, it could be due to the volume of the headers! :-) I think it is solved... for now.