91 B & B,
You have a stuck seloniod in the ABS system. This is a very typical problem. Restart the car and exercise the ABS system by finding some loose dirt parking lot, wet road, etc. Get the ABS to engage (stand hard on the brake pedal) and get the ABS system to give you the "kick back" in the brake pedal.
If the ABS light is on the system is disengaged, so go to a place to do the procedure above, turn the car off, then restart it and do this BEFORE the ABS light comes on again (probably a minute or so).
You problem will most likely be cured (99.9%). The problem with the ABS system is that it is barely used, so they need to be "excercised" regularly (monthly is good)
Don't spend $2000+ bucks for an ABS pump, it is not required. Do a search on this forum on ABS. You can find many detailed procedures for curing this, I think it is also in the FAQ here.