ABS Flush tool kit

21 July 2022
I was wondering if the ABS tool kit is still available for members to use. I remember that, with my first NSX in 2006, there was one that members were letting other members use with the Acura tool and the wiring with the switch to exercise and flush the solenoids to try to get them to work again. I had an excellent experience with it last time and hope for the same this time. I would pay for shipping to and from. Thank you.
I was the one that provided the ALB bleeder...that got stolen. I bought another one and a local NSXer to me didn't return it.

Then the the bleeder went NLA.

I still have one, which you are free to use at my shop here in New Zealand.

Or you can get a 9mm square socket. They are available. Someone on ebay sells 4 point socket. And someone else sells a whole bleeder kit. Though the kit is made of soft aluminum and might not be suitable for repeated use.

I recommend replacing the nipple bleeder screw with a conventional 10mm hex. You can use a deep socket with a bleed hose. Use locking pliers or a special open style ratchet set.
You need to apply 12 V to either the left or the right hand pin of each connector at the hydraulic block. One activates the inlet, the other the outlet valve. Note that the outlet valve opens when supplied with 12 V but the inlet valve closes.

After rebuildong .ALB I recommend the procedure outined in the TSB. Leave the system in place, removing the solenoid dome, removing & cleaning each one, and reinstalling. New o-rings probably not required.

Doesn't require a lot of time, tools, or money. And hose everything off when done

I was wondering if the ABS tool kit is still available for members to use. I remember that, with my first NSX in 2006, there was one that members were letting other members use with the Acura tool and the wiring with the switch to exercise and flush the solenoids to try to get them to work again. I had an excellent experience with it last time and hope for the same this time. I would pay for shipping to and from. Thank you.
where are you located?
IIRC somebody stole the tool 10+ years ago.

At this point just throw out the boat anchor and upgrade to the S2K setup.

Good option while you are waiting to sell a kidney to pay for the S2K setup.

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