? about a dealer

25 February 2009
anaheim ca
OK. Here is my dilemma. Im looking into buying a 91 nsx for 23.5k however the dealer is one I have never heard of I have tried Google but nothing relevant comes up. perhaps im just not that good with the "G" monster, however I was wondering if any of you know something about this dealer, its called "EUROcar inc." located at 750 W. 17th St Unit C Costa Mesa, CA 92627. does any one know something i should about them I plan on taking it to a acura dealership for a full inspection. most likely ceritos acura but thats my problem. I know some dealers are shiesty and I wanna be carefull. Any thoughts? on this dealer or Mohr imports.
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Google it again. It pops right up. Google, "eurocar, costa mesa"

Try again.:biggrin:
about purchasing a 1991:

demand a few things from this dealer.. NEW timing belt and water pump.
He will definitely come back with, "but the car has only 20k miles on it?".. you tell him.. ummm... sir, the timing belt on the car now is 17 years old.. CHANGE IT.

Check the serial number of the transmission and if it is in snap ring range, demand that they change the Transmission housing and repair it.

Play with the windows, if they are slow or don't work, tell them to change the window thingy (1991s)

Play with the climate control if it makes funny clicking noises or doesn't work, it needs repair (faulty capacitors on the circuit board)

the 1991 cars were the first, so this was the experimental year, subsequent years, alot of these things were re-engineered and the proper repairs were made..

Anyhow, good luck!
I will add if you are forcing the dealer to change the TB make sure its documented/completed at a dealer or reputable NSX shop.

Or just take another $2k off the price of the car and have it done yourself.
w/ osu, would never force them to do it. take the money into consideration and make your own choice to service. its not hard basic honda config. just find someone that wont scratch your fenders:redface:
Thanks for the advice. Il c what i can do about the aforementioned repairs and maintenance. regarding the dealer. I found their website... I am not a total fail. lol I meant like feed back. IE:shady, underhanded you know the usual dealer traits lol. I do have one other question were i to get one with high mileage is the difference between purchase/engine replacement a lot? I tried looking on Google, and found a place that sells rebuild na1 model engines but no pricing.. I ask this because i test drove one for 17k$ runs fairly well however it had a few of the problems that you mentioned earlier. But... it has over 160k miles !:eek:!:eek:!so ......yea... lol (its probably a bad idea but im going off that its a honda aka superman lol).
160k is nothing these motors do twice that
and dealers are bussiness people the same as most go and talk to them and then make assumtions!
160k is nothing these motors do twice that
and dealers are bussiness people the same as most go and talk to them and then make assumtions!

ha ha whoa! I was being Sarcastic. I used to do door to door sales that's why i was joking about salesmen. its a hard job no matter how u look at it. I respect those that do it long term, my nerves were shot at the 100th door slammed lol... yea good money though. it is however good to hear that its as bulletproof as i assumed the engine was thanks.. BTW I apologize for any offense. none was meant
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Assume you will need to replace timing belt/water pump/ plugs/clutch and window regulators and get estimates for those repairs, deduct this amount from your offer price. Don't expect the dealer to do it for you. Stereo and A/C is suspect on the early NA1 cars also.