A Video for anyone who is interested.

21 September 2002
Lawrence, MA
Well was working on this video about a month ago finished and had very bad luck uploading it with a 56K modem. So I got the video in a lower quality version and uploaded it and now it is on the net. Its in imagestation but I got it so that you can download without registering. The link to the video is below.


The video is 25MB and 7:17 minutes long. I'm an amature so its not a great video but watch it and tell me what you guys think, good or bad.

I appriciate any comment.

Also posting so you guys still know I'm still here I just don't post much. I don't realy have much to say anymore either than what I have already said. So yeah.
link doesn't work for me, it says "forbidden". I think you have to make the album public.
Sorry but you going to have to right click and go to properites and then take the url and put it in the address bar. It works like this but for some reason not off of the NSX prime forum.
No I'm not, I just do this stuff for fun when I have spare time which I don't have usually. But that would be a fun job to be in. It is something that I am considering to look to do also but I'm not sure about it.

Well I see that 125 people have seen my post but only 1 person has realy replied about the video. I guess no one is interested. Well I guess I will go and post the video on other boards.

Thanks for replying PHOEN$X.

Yeah I kind of notice I barely post anymore. Seems like I never have anything to say anymore on this forum. I wonder why....