A somewhat unique perspective.

So why not get them anyhow? Chromatose's car had an CTSC and the 4.55 R&P.

I would think you would be spending too much time shifting gears with that setup. I'd have to experience it myself though before I made a qualified judgment. I guess I've just been happy with what I've got.
I would think you would be spending too much time shifting gears with that setup. I'd have to experience it myself though before I made a qualified judgment. I guess I've just been happy with what I've got.

Perhaps the torque of the CTSC is great enough to overcome the gap between 1st and 2nd on the US spec 5 speed, but the short gears lessen that gap and make the whole experience much more "sporty".

If you are ever in my area I invite you to drive mine, without the CTSC though.
Except for the $18,000.00 repair bills (trust me on this one).

Time to come clean Mike, is this why that repair bill was so high? :wink:

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