Do you speak for NSXCA? What is your affiliation with it?
Your original post and your respone to RYANS is a huge turnoff for me too. I really hope you are not related to NSXCA in any official manner becasue I dont like the way you come across or your repsonse to RYANS.
Also after reading Mike C and James's response it doesnt seem like you know what your talking about anyway.
Am I affiliated to NSXCA? Yes, I have been a member since 1998 or 1999. However, I don't speak for the club in anyways. My post is just from a member who has been seeing the decline of membership and yet I do not see a decline in event participations.
Many of you have CLEARLY stated that "because I am not getting anything in return from the club, I am not going to pay the membership to support this club." And yet the same people would want to continue to PARTICIPATE in the club events.
In other words, these guys still will continue to PARTICIPATE and TAKE ADVANTAGE of all the free unpaid efforts donated by our diligent club officers. But when it comes to SUPPORTING a club that you fully take advantage of, you refuse to even put in a small fee to keep it going.
OBVIOUSLY, these guys have no clue what a CLUB is all about. A club is an organization which are formed by people who have common interests and it has activities organized by the members and participated by members. Especially for small clubs like the NSXCA, there is simply no other income to fund the operations other than your monetary support.
To those people who SHAMELESSLY stated that " I like and would participate in all the NSXCA events but I am not going to pay for the membership because I get NOTHING in return", yes, in my opinion, YOU ARE A CHEAPY FREELOADER!
I have been supporting a few charities and public organizations. For example, I really enjoy many PBS programs. I like what I see and would like to continue the same. I have been a long time member because I want to see these guys continue to have the resources to perpetuate such awesome performances. Am I getting any monetary return? No. When I do want a DVD or a CD, I simply donate the higher bracket.
As I have stated from my original post, this has nothing to do with people who just want to meet here and there on their own. They can meet and drive however and whenever they want to.
But most importantly, if people who have participated in the club activities, enjoy the activities, and would like to continue to participate, membership should be required. That's all.
It is not a rocket science to understand and do these simple decencies.