A sad goodbye

24 July 2003
LA, California
Well guys,
The stuff is packed, the place is empty and the movers are moving!! Its time to say goodbye to everyone ive met over the last year and a half!! Its been so nice living in the NSX capital of the world and going to all the events!! I cant name everyone but I will be checking this thread all the time as its a habit! I will Truly miss all you guys!!!

And if you ever get to Sydney...LET ME KNOW!!!!!!!!

NemesisX said:
Well guys,
The stuff is packed, the place is empty and the movers are moving!! Its time to say goodbye to everyone ive met over the last year and a half!! Its been so nice living in the NSX capital of the world and going to all the events!! I cant name everyone but I will be checking this thread all the time as its a habit! I will Truly miss all you guys!!!

And if you ever get to Sydney...LET ME KNOW!!!!!!!!


Take it easy down under Kevin...
I hope everything goes great for you and Mrs. kevin.
Nice meeting you and talking to you at the JGTC event.
Very cool indeed.
Wishing you and yours the best.
NemesisX said:
Well guys,
The stuff is packed, the place is empty and the movers are moving!! Its time to say goodbye to everyone ive met over the last year and a half!! Its been so nice living in the NSX capital of the world and going to all the events!! I cant name everyone but I will be checking this thread all the time as its a habit! I will Truly miss all you guys!!!

And if you ever get to Sydney...LET ME KNOW!!!!!!!!


You lucky bastard!!!

I am going to miss you by brother!
I might be call you in a year or so in the "land downunder"

Be safe and make sure to keep your mouth closed, when you are at the beach. :biggrin:

Kevin, Glad to hear your getting to live your dream. You'll be missed by all the SoCal group. Good luck in paradise. Gil

I can't believe that the last time we met was at the last autoX event, when we worked on the timing equipment. Don't think I have seen you since.

I have a very positive experience with Australia. The only thing is that they drive on the wrong side of the road. That also means that you'll be styling in the only LHD NSX in the land down under. People will flip out if they see your wife reading the newspaper in the passenger seat. :tongue:

You can continue to enjoy your summer there. Take care!
CDub said:

I can't believe that the last time we met was at the last autoX event, when we worked on the timing equipment. Don't think I have seen you since.

I have a very positive experience with Australia. The only thing is that they drive on the wrong side of the road. That also means that you'll be styling in the only LHD NSX in the land down under. People will flip out if they see your wife reading the newspaper in the passenger seat. :tongue:

You can continue to enjoy your summer there. Take care!

I'm pretty positive he converted it to RHD. :biggrin:
Peace brother and ill always have the strippers for ya

Good luck down under!!! Sad to see you go, hope to see you in Sydney someday!!! keep in touch via Prime :smile:
Good at ya Mate!!!
Good luck down under!! Keep the rubber down and the shiny side up...

Till we meet again...
Guys, THANKS for the great responses!! I will really miss you guys!!

I made it to Sydney and all is well. All our belongings (including the car) are somewhere between here and there. I thought about making the trip back to NSXPO but thats a hell of a long trip in such a short time.
If any of Y'all get out this way LET ME KNOW!!!!! Ill put out the welcome wagon in exchange for some aftermarket pipes!! J/K LOL

We never meet but I enjoyed reading some of your postings. In short, hate seeing a local member move- but I'm sure it's for the better. I hope all goes well in health, family and career.

Thank you for keeping us updated.


Hey Kevin, we met in August at the fountain valley/ socal monthly meet. I'd had fun speeding side by side with you on PCH. Anyways It was a pleasure meeting you, Hopefully you'll be able to stay in touch with us through nsx prime. I'm sure you'll have a great time in Austrailia and don't forget to come back and visit us :smile:


I plan to be in Austrailia in a year from this coming March (for the Melborne Grand Prix :biggrin: ) and I plan to spend some time in Sydney and Brisbane on the trip.

Please keep in touch I would love to get together with you when I come down under!

Enjoy the trip and I hope you get your X switched over for not too much $$$$ :wink:

You will be missed at the So Cal events!

Gooday' Mate! :cool: