A Head Scratching Question

23 October 2007
Bakersfield, CA
With months to plan, why wouldn’t NSX owners jump at the opportunity to participate along with other owners and experience without a doubt the most spectacular two day drive (other than tracking) that they will ever do, bar none? I’m talking about the Mono Lake - Bishop Run (6/21-22).

I have read a few references comparing NSX’s and Garage Queens, waxing them up and making them shiny. I dig car shows and parking outside of coffee houses as much as anybody, but passing up a one time deal like this makes me wonder.

Come on guys where’s the spirit for doing something with your car that you’ve never done before.

I know these runs are not for everybody, but 3 cars for Hetch Hetchy and only one so far for the Mono Lake Run?

Are these runs not interesting enough for you to attend? :confused:
My experience with the local NSX community, is quite often, many jump on to such events at the last minute. My guess is, many of us have such busy lives, we have a hard time planning so far inadvance for some of these things. We may be interested, but aren't sure if there will be other conflicting things that may take higher priority than a fun drive. Yes, it can be frustrating when planning something like this to think there is no interest and then with one week to go, get inundated with "I'll be there" from 10 to 20 people. But the reality is, quite often that is the case. Even for things that get a good early response, quite often a flood of new respondees come at the 11th hour so to speak.
My experience with the local NSX community, is quite often, many jump on to such events at the last minute. My guess is, many of us have such busy lives, we have a hard time planning so far inadvance for some of these things. We may be interested, but aren't sure if there will be other conflicting things that may take higher priority than a fun drive. Yes, it can be frustrating when planning something like this to think there is no interest and then with one week to go, get inundated with "I'll be there" from 10 to 20 people. But the reality is, quite often that is the case. Even for things that get a good early response, quite often a flood of new respondees come at the 11th hour so to speak.

This is where I am personally at right now, I wanna go and the wife and I have discuess this drive at length however what comes up is our other planned outings for the year and our bussiness that is getting closer to the time when we will need to be around for our build out soooo. you guys know I will be the first one to do drives if I have the time available, but this next few months will determine how many I can do in the coming years :p
As many know, I will go to whatever track day, drive or meet I can. But for me, the HH drive was and the ML drive is a conflict on my calendar. (I missed HH for a very close friend's kid's first birthday and ML conflicts with a show in the L.A. area that I committed to back in January.)

Unlike what nsx4fun experiences, my busy schedule manifests itself in having plans several months out (right now I pretty much know what I'm doing every weekend out to the middle of July).

Totally understand your fustration...With owning a busy practice, family life, and track days, I always have to cut a deal with the wifey ahead of times. I'll be lucky to have spare time just to wash my cars.

You know what they say, "Happy Wife = Happy Life."
I hear you and appreciate your thoughts. Think about how busy the guys are that come up with the ideas for an event, research it, plan it, pre-run it then throw some of their own jack into it.

With that being said it appears that the Motoring J Style show is going to be well attended with 30 or more NSX's in attendance. Is there a pattern emerging here, drives versus shows? Doing research, any opinions please? Thanks.:smile:
I personally would rather go to the track, otherwise settle for a drive through windy roads seeing a dozen NSXs following behind. However, there appears to be two main group of owners: those who track and those who go to shows. I'm 50/50: The regular guys I normally see at the track normally don't show up at shows (and vice-versa). Besides, my car won't win any shows or track events either way.
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With that being said it appears that the Motoring J Style show is going to be well attended with 30 or more NSX's in attendance. Is there a pattern emerging here, drives versus shows?
The pattern could be spending a couple hours locally versus a couple of days out of town...
I may be wrong, but I have notice a pattern that most NSX'ers will attend local short runs and enjoy stopping and talking to each other about NSX stuff. Don't see too many doing overnight + runs. (other than NSXPO) At the same time, many need to get home by early afternoon to spend time with the better half / family time.
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My preferences, in order, are:

1) track
2) drive
3) show
4) meet

However, the frequency of my participation in these events is exactly opposite. Mostly because I don't really want to go to a track day solo and none of my NSX buddies have had the time and/or inclination to track with me so I'm limited to tracking with my cousin in L.A. which is infrequently. In fact, he contacted me about an inexpensive track weekend on the same weekend of the J Motoring Style show but I'd already committed to the show. Had I heard of the track event before the show I would have certainly gone there instead.

Meanwhile, meets are ad-hoc and I attend whenever I can which tends to be often because they're usually on Friday nights after work before the real weekend starts and because they have a limited time commitment.

if it was up to me I would do everything! but like others said happy wife=happy life is soooo true!

I have pushed my luck this year with my schedule so last minute things have actually worked out better compared to the past just due to cancelation in other events last minute.
I have a good excuse why I haven't attended any meets/drives lately!!! :D But when I do get my car back, I will be game for just about any NSX event. :D

Jack, Yolanda, I think everyone here appreciates you enthusiasm and hard work... so please don't get discouraged.
Jack, Yolanda, I'm tellin ya, North Bay run! :biggrin:

Jack, Yolanda,
With the NSX its a numbers game. Far fewer cars than other makes in the area, then layer on previous appts, other priorities, last minute schedule changes, etc and suddenly the pool of available people becomes only a handful.

Sometimes, like Motoring J, the stars align and people are available.

But, like others have said, a full day or two day event just doesnt fit most peoples schedules.

KooLaid suggested North Bay run. That usually gets a good turn out. We used to call it the Napa Drive. Meet up early morning, drive some casual, but fun route, lunch in Napa, hang out a little and everyone is home for the late afternoon and evening.

Keep up the good work you are doing in the Bay. I look forward to seeing you at Motoring J. :smile:
Jack, Yolanda, you folks plan THE BEST drives. I like the little side excursions and you're right about those being the most memorable parts of an event. I wouldn't worry about the ones who dont make it, as they are the ones who are missing out the most. Just ask me and Peter :)

Hell, I STILL REGRET not following you on the way back from the Highway 29 run. I had to run solo for many miles even though I was with a pack of 10+ because I felt like running a little bit faster than the pack (like 75-80 mph vs speed limit of 70).

So you know from my past 2 driving experiences with you two, I'd do whatever I could to make any events you might have planned. Didn't know it could be so much fun to drive with a couple who used to own a BIG GIANT LUMBERING SLLLLOOOOOOW RV! lol

Like Mickey says though, sometimes the stars just plain line up, sometimes they don't. Example would be the Highway 29 run VS the Hetch Hetchy run and I'd have to admit the HH run was more fun for me overall and most memorable....damn fish lol.
Jack and Yolanda, I had great time attending the highway 25 drive and really missed out the second half of the run. We are lucky to have you orgainze these great drives.

I would love to attend these drives + events as much as I can but I am stucked with other half (family + works). Hopefully, when my kid is older, I will have more time for myself.

Don't be discourage, you guys are doing great works.
don't be discouraged... you guys are doing a great job at organizing things. i know it's really appreciated by the whole community even if the turnout on some drives isn't high.

i like drives, meets, track days and shows. i just can't get to many even with lots of notice. wiFEE and three kids pull me in all sorts of directions.

keep up the good work.

How About A North Bay Drive On The Coast To Sea Ranch And Across To Lake Sonoma Or Up To Mendocino Area
yolanda y jack,

mostlikely i would be able to attend. i like the over night stay idea for this is the first time i'll be doing that with my nsx. hopefully, it's safe where we'll be parking because i'm really paranoid about that. this time, my buddy with the M3 will come along also. Rob, the guy you met with the vette won't be able to make it...it's their anniversary. also, i wouldn't go anywhere without the girlfriend-unit(tracy). looking forward to it.
I was looking forward to this run however, my wife has a class reunion on that weekend in New Mexico! I may take this route on another day. Thanks for all of your efforts. Wish I could go with the group.