A funny chance occurrence at NSXPO...

11 July 2014
Chicago, IL
Standing at the counter in RealTime Racing's museum, I was joined by three esteemed men. As I recall, one was asking if Peter C. would notice an air filter were it to go missing.

We were all chatting when one of the fellows (DocJohn was it?) asked the rhetorical question, "Do you realize with whom you are chatting?" (Or some grammatically/syntax-correct english-language-speak.) "Well, this is Larry B, that is pbassjo/Joe L and I am DocJohn." My eyebrows rose a bit, thinking to myself...so this is the father, son and holy ghost of Prime? Hmm.

Not to be outdone and accepting the challenge, my response was, "...and I am Speedmaster...(tapping my watch) after the watch, not my driving habits..."

A look of knowing and familiarity had gone across their respective faces and one of the fellows even said, "So YOU are the Speedmaster guy."

We had a good chuckle and I thanked them each for their own additions to my knowledge, sanity and general NSX progress over these last few years. I felt complimented that they had even known my Prime username - though they may have been messing with me. Yeah, I am pretty sure they were just messing with me.

As I pulled my Irish-exit (leaving while nobody was looking, all having a great time) I reflected on how I was going to miss hanging out with these fellows and what a great camaraderie there existed within our ranks. So, I will thank these gents again - Larry B (Bastanza), DocJohn the radiologist and lover of the bumblebee look (sorry, don't have your legal name handy) and Joe L (don't even ask me to spell your last name, sir.) Thank you all for your advice from my first NSX to my now fourth. Your feedback, cajoling and calling BS when due have all been helpful.

I hope to see you all next year in San Francisco.