A few fall pictures in my NSX

1 June 2005
Happy Little Tree, Indiana
Just a few pix from today...
Those are very nicely done.
The car looks good...
Nice wallpaper material.
I am running Eibach springs. And Nate, no the LED's are not done yet. Just got an update from Mike at clearcorners, and they are almost done. Thanks for the positive comments guys!!!
djdrock said:
I am running Eibach springs. And Nate, no the LED's are not done yet. Just got an update from Mike at clearcorners, and they are almost done. Thanks for the positive comments guys!!!

I'm running Eibach also. But my drop isn't as low as yours :frown:
RenGen said:
Nice, very good composition. Did you use a filter? what camera settings have you used (openning, lens, speed)?


I do use a polarized filter...this helps to smooth out the reflections on the glass. I use a Sony DSC-F828 camera. These pics were taken with the cameras automatic mode. However, I use photoshop to add the dreamy effect and also add a bit of a soft focus effect. Silver seems to come out with too much blue, and shiny parts often have a purple fringing effect, so I adjust levels of saturation.

Again, thanks for the compliments. :biggrin:
Very nice...are those Rays G-Games?