A Dance with Paris Hilton?

8 April 2004
Edmonton, Alberta
No, actually its my daughter Jordan at her High School Grad. Someone mentioned she looked a little bit like Paris in the photo. Wish she had her money, get me another Nsx!
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Maze will make this thread Nsxable. Heres one before we went to the ceremonies.
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The guy she's dancing with looks a little old to be at a high school dance. :smile:
Surprisingly she does have a resemblance. She is a cute girl, and that is the exact reason I am glad I have two boys! I thought Karma would have busted me with two girls to worry about. You two look like you are having fun, Congrats to her on her graduation! You are the mack!
Eddie is first in line! (NCC-1701D)
She even saved a dance with him, but not in his paint ball gear!
You snooze, you loose Ed.
anyone else think this is an odd thread? :rolleyes:
jlindy said:
anyone else think this is an odd thread? :rolleyes:

Depends largely on your opinion of Paris Hilton. I dont have a very high opinion of Paris, and this girl looks to have more brains than Paris - so there is no comparison. :D But forgetting that... this thread is posted by a very proud dad who loves his daughter & wants to brag on her a little... and maybe score a free NSX in the process. ;) Good on you <B>ffffanman</B>.

Funny thing about this thread is if these pix were posted without knowledge of <B>ffffanman</B> being her dad, you guys would be crying "more pix plz" and "i dont see any nsx?". lol :D
jlindy said:
anyone else think this is an odd thread? :rolleyes:

haha you sure thats your 'daughter' ? ROFFL! :biggrin: