A/C freakishness

A little off topic but does anybody get a mildew like scent coming from the vents when A/C is on? It happens to me at the onset but eventually goes away. I understand there are no filters that can be replaced, please correct if I'm wrong.
There are no filters to change. Cooling the air makes for lots of wetness so mold is not far behind. Some people say shuting of the ac a couple of minutes before shut down helps, there are also products you can spray in the intake to help control the smell. Mine was bad until I replaced the evaporator and cleaned out all the stuff that had accumulated in the bottom.
This has been a recurring problem for lots of vehicles. In HK where we have hi humidity , in the 90s, the problem is even worst as the mildew just pretty much stayed in the system. There is no 100% cure-all and spraying the os-called fix it will make the problem go away for a short time. It will return shortly. The fix may work better is to turn off the a/c when you are 3/5 mins away from home, Keep the in-take open and let the normal outside airflow dry out the system. Have been doing it for years and seem to soften the smell abit. I have the same problem on my Jaguar XJ. :rolleyes:
experienced a different type of hot/kool with temp. in the centre vents, pass. side and the vents along the pass. door blowing warm while driver's side ok.
upon inspection detected slow leak on the hi/lo return pressure hose that ran underneath.. instal new ones, top up and running OK. mine is a '91 with compressor, evaporator, drier replaced a few years back.

Sorry for bringing up this old thread. But do you have pics of the hi/lo return pressure hose? My car is having this problem of cold air on the left and warm air on the right, along with the little light on the CCU that lights on and off by itself.

The hi-lo return hoses, you can only see such when you jack up the vehicle. Check behind the 2 vents behind the fog lites. BTW, after replacing the coil, compressor etc 4 years ago, I recently experienced freon leaking in the system. Top up twice and need to be recharged after 2 weeks. My shop said I will need a new coil. Very expensive item and the labor costs..8 hours min. to R&R.
Somehow I am disappointed with quality of the part as the first unit lasted almost 14 years...
The hi-lo return hoses, you can only see such when you jack up the vehicle. Check behind the 2 vents behind the fog lites. BTW, after replacing the coil, compressor etc 4 years ago, I recently experienced freon leaking in the system. Top up twice and need to be recharged after 2 weeks. My shop said I will need a new coil. Very expensive item and the labor costs..8 hours min. to R&R.
Somehow I am disappointed with quality of the part as the first unit lasted almost 14 years...

Thanks. Will do that check as soon I return home. I hope it's not the coils.

This problem just recently happen after I took out my centre console. BrianK, can it be loose wires from the CCU itself? While the console was out, I took the opportunity to take out the red film in the CCU and replace it with blue ones - now I have a blue - greenish illuminating lights :p
Thank you for this thread. As a new owner of a 91, I had the warm air on the driver's side of the dash outlet problem. Two small leaks repaired and a recharge later and all is well.
When u said 2 small leaks repaired, then a re-chrage. Interested in your leaks, exact locations?? I may have this coil issue after only 4 years.