A Brand New Start

5 September 2011
Atlanta, GA
It has come to my attention and a few other prime members that I should restart my opening thread. So here it goes...

My name is Leonard Gousha III. I attend a Private Academy since the public school in my county are horrible and if I want to achieve my goals of becoming successful I want to be given the best possible chance. I am 16 and am graduating this year. I am FULL year of my usual grade level. Almost 2 years to be exact. I am from the SouthSide of Atlanta. Yes I know tell me about but like a smart educated young man I stayed out of trouble and spent my great deal of time around cars. Ive been working on cars such as Old School chevys, Classic Volkswagen. Just everything I could get my hands on. My current project is a 1972 Volkswagen Superbeetle. It currently has 1544CC engine that was custom built in florida by a guy who holds the record for the fastest Beetle. My personal DD is 1989 Mercedes Benz 190E. Im a sucker for old German sedans. You cant beat them. My personal friends who are not car enthusiast as me call me Ferrari since I wear alot of Ferrari Gear. I do some photography but not as much as I am getting out of it.

I begin college in early october of this year at a local college near me but I will soon transfer to Morehouse. I have made my mind up and decided to attend a Atlanta college as I want to be close to my family for support. My family expect very big things out of me and support me 100% of the way. I have only driven one NSX in my life and it was the most satisfying thing in the world to me. I am in the market for a NSX and my goal was to purchase one and still be able to live with no worries of debt. My family is not loaded or anything or that. I wish I could come from a family that could afford to send me to St.George Academy. For those of you that dont know that the best private academy in North America where tuition is 16 Grand a semester. Located in Canada.

I love the old retro Japanese cars with the flip headlights. Maybe by far the sexiest thing Japan has ever given the world. I pay for everything on my own like insurance, car repairs etc...stuff like that.
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Now doesn't that feel better?

I told you I didn't believe you were as ignorant as you were trying to sound on twitter and that you "have something" that sets you apart from your contemporaries. Morehouse is a good choice so make the switch as soon as you are able.

p.s. now edit your sig at least to indicate those other cars are really your parents vehicles.
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I love the old retro Jap cars with the flip headlights. Maybe by far the sexiest thing Japan has ever given the world. I pay for everything on my own like insurance, car repairs etc...stuff like that.

Welcome aboard.

For a youngster to like the NSX, I'm a little shock because most young guys have never even heard of an NSX (not in their time frame).

For future reference, please don't use that word. It shows ignorance when you say you come from an educated background.

Kudos for taking care of your own finance rather than depending on Bank of Mommy and Daddy.:smile::biggrin:
Welcome aboard.

For a youngster to like the NSX, I'm a little shock because most young guys have never even heard of an NSX (not in their time frame).

For future reference, please don't use that word. It shows ignorance when you say you come from an educated background.

Kudos for taking care of your own finance rather than depending on Bank of Mommy and Daddy.:smile::biggrin:

I suppose your right when majority of the forumers here are from highly educated backgrounds. I am gonna have to step my game up a few levels!

I absolutely adore the NSX. I think the fact that it is not so well known is a good thing. I like to think of it as a prototype car. You know it exist but you just dont know what it is. :biggrin:
I guess you are too young to know that Jap is a racial slur just like the the 'N' word for African-Americans. Did you read the the the article in my reply? Here it is again. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2011/09/20/national/w000539D79.DTL

I wouldnt say im to young. But I surely dont mean any disrespect to anybody. Im not really sensitive on what words are said as I taught to have a higher tolerance for that. But none the less I understand your argument.
I wouldnt say im to young. But I surely dont mean any disrespect to anybody. Im not really sensitive on what words are said as I taught to have a higher tolerance for that. But none the less I understand your argument.

I guess you never been discriminated against. I grew up in the 50's/60's with this type of name calling. You are not really sensitive to words then you need to read the article. It definitely applies to you and if you really understand my argument please change the spelling in the above post.
Have any pics of the beetle? I've got a bit of a soft spot in that department, my grandmother had a 71 beetle that she put 32,000 miles on before garaging. We ended up selling it to a collector when I was about your age, but I miss it.
God bless the internet..when I was 16 I was popping zits and dreaming about girls and cars.The only adults I talked to other than my parents were my friends parents,or teachers.If a strange adult ended up "chatting" me up:rolleyes: it was certainly suspect.Again I say this because you ,as a 16 y/o ,have to absolutley watch what you say on this or any other site,you are interracting with people I never could at 16 back in 1977, doctors, lawyers,ceo's,war veterans, you know...adults.Many on here would be very different twords you face to face..so please don't squander this oportunity I never had.
The hell? My first car was a El Camino.

Get off the internet and chase some snatch. That's what 16 year olds are supposed to do.
Have any pics of the beetle? I've got a bit of a soft spot in that department, my grandmother had a 71 beetle that she put 32,000 miles on before garaging. We ended up selling it to a collector when I was about your age, but I miss it.

I can post some pics for you tomorrow. Im doing a complete restoration on the car so its been sitting on jacks for the past couple of months. Not much to it. Just a whole bunch of body filler and primer as for now. The beetle is a great car. I didnt get to do much riding around with it since I my dad parked it and its been sitting out side in the weather for the past 7 years so I just recently started fixing her up. Why have only 1 car when you can have two at the age of 16! :biggrin:
The hell? My first car was a El Camino.

Get off the internet and chase some snatch. That's what 16 year olds are supposed to do.

Well I figured out a LONG time ago. If I spent half as much time studying and doing school work instead trying to chase some snatch. Later down in life "snatch" would be chasing me. Then it becomes easy.
Looks like the NSXPrime leukocytes are out in force......

you are being too general,you really mean macrophages because you are fond of phagocytes.....just sayin...........
Well I figured out a LONG time ago. If I spent half as much time studying and doing school work instead trying to chase some snatch. Later down in life "snatch" would be chasing me. Then it becomes easy.

Very Well Said...And Very True...You'll Do Just Fine On This Forum:smile:.

I would pay special attention to what Doc said...on this forum you have access to some very interesting and successful people. They are happy
to share, not only car stories, but their personal stories.
Don't squander it....they are exactly where you want to be oneday!
I guess you never been discriminated against. I grew up in the 50's/60's with this type of name calling. You are not really sensitive to words then you need to read the article. It definitely applies to you and if you really understand my argument please change the spelling in the above post.


Leonard, I was happy about your new start. Could you re-edit that word? If not, the brand new start might go down again.
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Much better. Although you appear to be a very intelligent 16 year old, you are just that---16 years old. Nothing takes the place of life experiences and advice imparted from people that are older and wiser. You will be well served if you'll just learn the 3 L's of internet forums---Lurk, Listen & Learn. Couple that with honesty and openness and you'll do fine. Oh, yeah--resist the urge to be argumentative. It serves no purpose and you just come off as being immature.

It sounds like your parents have given you some wonderful opportunities and you're taking advantage of them plus I really like your outlook on chasing poon. Wish I had felt that way when I was 16, I thought I was going to die if I didn't get laid. Just remember that women are mostly crazy & don't think like men and you'll be OK. The fact that you have a 190E 2.3-16 earns you rep in my book. Great car, always wanted one.

As Bob so aptly said, "Stay smart and stay out of trouble." Good luck---
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