A bit of spirited NSX driving!

When I test drove an NSX 6 years ago the owner said he had never taken it above 5,000 in 2nd. He just let it sit in his garage. I imagine most owners have never had this much fun in their cars as you had in this video.

Nearest track to my location is a 2.5 hour drive where I am more likely to get hit by some hillbilly in a pickup truck swerving into my lane while texting. If you can set up a closed parking lot for doing this, good for you. It sure beats going to another city to drive circles around a parking lot. :rolleyes:
When I test drove an NSX 6 years ago the owner said he had never taken it above 5,000 in 2nd. He just let it sit in his garage. I imagine most owners have never had this much fun in their cars as you had in this video.

Nearest track to my location is a 2.5 hour drive where I am more likely to get hit by some hillbilly in a pickup truck swerving into my lane while texting. If you can set up a closed parking lot for doing this, good for you. It sure beats going to another city to drive circles around a parking lot. :rolleyes:

How could you even rationalize like that? If one chooses to not rev past 5,000 in 2nd or let it sit in his garage is their personal choice and can be fun for them. But to choose a shopping center parking lot with stop signs and speed bumps is not to bright!
IMO others life especially mines is worth the 2.5 hour drive any day to any city to drive circles around in a" SAFE, OPEN, CLEAR" parking lot!!!
I have a Neighbor name Ron and to my best avoidance strategy, I can never avoid him from any exchanges when working on my lawn. Ron always make it a point to let the entire neighborhood understand that he is the go to guy when their are questions to be asked. Even if there are no questions, he would give you one to ask. Most of the time, I believe he does not care or have an opinion; but just wants us to all know he has a big ego. This gets a bit annoying and eventually; just to be polite, I absent mindedly nod my head. I hope that in the near future that Ron will be able to check his ego so that he says things worth listening to.
Next time at least set up some cones so you appear to be at a sanctioned event...lol :smile:

I try not to flame the youngesters too much...I remember some of the crazy stuff that I did. I was lucky to live to tell about it.

I too remember some of the crazy stuff I did as a youngster. I just never had the gall to post my lack of common sense on the Internet (OK, admittedly, we also didn't have the Internet back then)! I cringed the whole time watching this video and was relieved that it didn't end up in tears. While I understand these individuals were just having some fun, all it takes is a lone innocent motorist or pedestrian to unknowingly cross the path of one of these guys and BAM. There are better places for this kind of stuff. Even if these places are miles away.