A bit of spirited NSX driving!

21 August 2011
NSX run comes in at 2:17 in (a bit of strong language in spots). What a great sounding car. :smile:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CQ6BTin2kic" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
That driver is desperately in need of a real track day.
WARNING! OLD FART ALERT! You HAVE to know this was coming . . . .

I'm sorry, I don't find this in any way entertaining or informative.

Sanctioned autocross? Sure, go for it.

Idiots in an unmonitored parking lot, with curbs and trees, and NOT A SAFETY VEHICLE IN SIGHT, no helmets? Incredibly stupid. You'd be surprised how out-of-control such seemingly innocuous activity can turn out really, really badly.

Seriously, go to a track day, go to an autocross, participate in a monitored, sanctioned event.

If I am missing something or misinterpreting this, apologies, but if this is really someone just playing around in a remote parking lot, incredibly irresponsible.

If this is really what it appears to be, I don't care how much experience the driver has, there was no "winner".

Let the flame war begin.
I'm with ya! There are too many bozacs on the road today who are iether too lazy or cheap to get involved in organized motorsport/hpde.....ect:rolleyes:

NSX ----------Audi TT-----------Mitsu Lancer
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WARNING! OLD FART ALERT! You HAVE to know this was coming . . . .

I'm sorry, I don't find this in any way entertaining or informative.

Sanctioned autocross? Sure, go for it.

Idiots in an unmonitored parking lot, with curbs and trees, and NOT A SAFETY VEHICLE IN SIGHT, no helmets? Incredibly stupid. You'd be surprised how out-of-control such seemingly innocuous activity can turn out really, really badly.

Seriously, go to a track day, go to an autocross, participate in a monitored, sanctioned event.

If I am missing something or misinterpreting this, apologies, but if this is really someone just playing around in a remote parking lot, incredibly irresponsible.

If this is really what it appears to be, I don't care how much experience the driver has, there was no "winner".

Let the flame war begin.

I was going to say the same exact thing.
Next time at least set up some cones so you appear to be at a sanctioned event...lol :smile:

I try not to flame the youngesters too much...I remember some of the crazy stuff that I did. I was lucky to live to tell about it.
I knew this was going to get flamed on and I guess keep going. I've seen worse things done in NSX drives set up by people on this forum. At least they put up cones to keep other cars from driving into the area. At least give them credit for not doing something like driving into oncoming traffic or attempting this in a parking lot with random people it in. It appears this was a closed off lot.
I worked at a business park that looked similar to this, but the parking lot was much larger. The park owner was an old timer automotive enthusiast that gave permission to cone off the parking lot for some spirited driving, in fact he encouraged it during the winter so people can work on their skid correction skills.

We did have to sign waivers releasing all liabilities from the property owner. Maybe these folks have a similar arrangement.
All I could see was a tire problem or a bird/fish/honey badger popping out and a small swerve to avoid...and nothing but curbs to greet you.

"Honey Badger don't give a $hit" :biggrin:
I LOL'ed the entire time watching this. It's too bad there are a lot of people who do this kind of stuff and actually snap oversteer into a tree or understeer right up on a curb THAT WE DON'T SEE. Kids that escape wrecking their car are proud and can't wait for the whole world to see. Kids that don't are embarassed realizing they were doing stupid shit - yes, we were all kids once!

Someone.. PUHLEEEASE! Post those instead! :biggrin: LOL
Most important thing to remember is that there are two limits. There is a limit of a car and the limit of a driver. A lot of drivers can reach the limit of most of the cars on the road before reaching their driver limit. With a car like the NSX the limit of the car far exceeds the limits of most drivers. Know your limitations!

NEVER come close to the limit on a car or a driver with someone else in the vehicle.

most important thing to remember is that there are two limits. There is a limit of a car and the limit of a driver. A lot of drivers can reach the limit of most of the cars on the road before reaching their driver limit. With a car like the nsx the limit of the car far exceeds the limits of most drivers. Know your limitations!

never come close to the limit on a car or a driver with someone else in the vehicle.


Most important thing to remember is that there are two limits. There is a limit of a car and the limit of a driver. A lot of drivers can reach the limit of most of the cars on the road before reaching their driver limit.

Yeah... right.
So they think.

Do you know what I call those people?

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Yeah... right.
So they think.

Do you know what I call those people?


:biggrin: Bend me....break me....turn me upside down and $hake me....bodyman! customers That was rich :redface:

I was eyeing all the curbs, thinking...

I guess I am going to get hate mail, but I don't see TOO many problems with this video. I see plenty of videos of folks all over the highway and open streets and I don't see this kind of negative comments... so why now?

I see a private lot, coned off, and I see each car taking turns. Whats the problem with that?

I guess its wrong to drive fast with a passenger? But I am sure everyone on prime has driven fast with one, maybe even took a few corners - perhaps burned a little rubber in the process?

We did buy sports cars not Priuses right? Maybe everyone here goes to track days and looks down on everyone who does things differently. Whatever the reason, I think its foolish to scuff at someone for doing something differently than you - especially since you don't even know what the facts are. Why not ask the OP first - then yell at him if the answer shows gross negligence.

Original Poster - Thanks for posting. I personally wouldn't have done this with my car, but I don't see a huge problem with what you did.

Whatever the reason, I think its foolish to scuff at someone for doing something differently than you - especially since you don't even know what the facts are. Why not ask the OP first - then yell at him if the answer shows gross negligence.


Only thing i was concerned with is him doing it with a passenger and video is pretty conclusive evidence. I have seen too many people who ruined their lives by seriously injuring or killing passengers when pushing the limit.

Actually the guys weren't as bad as i thought they would be. Threads like this usually get hammered. I guess since he wasn't on the street, they took it easy on him :wink:
