a '91 for $70k ? C'mon now really ?

23 April 2002
Toronto, Canada

I just had to laugh at this delusional owners ad. There is no way I'm paying nor even considering spending $70k for a 1991 NA1.

For $70k , I think there are A LOT better choices of cars out there. I posted this as it gave me such a chuckle as he describes his car below.

"This is the most complete and spectacular NSX ever built... No negotiating and no test pilots... Serious buyer will be screened.. Thank you."
Screen Shot 2014-10-24 at 10.19.22 AM.jpg
what the hell is etobicoke....I would rather etosellcoke.....:wink:
Yup, anyone can ask anything they want for their car.....having said that, the prices for these cars are going up in value at a good rate as the launch of New NSX 2.0 get's closer.

Good stock or near stock car's are fetching some good $$....modded ones like this will only appeal to certain buyers.


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what the hell is etobicoke....I would rather etosellcoke.....:wink:

That is the crack Capital of Toronto....our current Crack Head Mayor lives in this area.....so you can see where this is coming from....

Crack indeed. I see it also has 180K km.
By that math my car should be worth about $90K since I have just about half the mileage that this one does. :wink:
I will entertain offers of $80K, but "no negotiating and no test pilots"! LOL
I wouldn't sell mine for any less than $50K CDN, but I also would be sitting for a long time waiting for a buyer if I was selling for $70K. These cars are certain to appreciate in value as more and more riced out examples keep on being imported from the US. Prices will also start to rise as V2 hits show room floors and as the CDN currency sees some slip against the greenback too.
I don't think anyone should criticize an asking price. I would be impressed and happy for the seller. It would only raise the average sale price, which is a good thing.
When you criticize, you don't help the seller, and ultimately hurt yourself. I think all owners want prices to increase. Even if you aren't selling
Well that's just it. I don't think he is an owner. $70k is a big number, still no reason to knock the owner for being delusional. Sure hope when it comes time for me to sell, I don't get the same treatment for asking what I believe it's worth....
Yes this is an outrageous asking price given where prices are right now for NSXs, but it is also the attitude in the ad as well. This is an NSX not a McLaren F1. That is some pretty strong language about negotiating an pre-screening. Maybe he is trying to avoid lowballers?

Most owners say they'll never sell, but I'd wager many have a no-regrets amount that they'd happily sell for. I guess this person has posted theirs.

I've said on Prime that my "magic number" is about $100K at today's price level, but I'd be stupid to list for that and someone would be equally as stupid to pay it in today's market. That's what the OP was getting at.
It has the supercharger I would love to buy. I wish him all the best. For the parts put into it it is technically worth that but like stated earlier only to the proper purchaser.
that ad is hilarious HOWEVER... i dont doubt/deny the fact that since the end of 2012, nsx's have been 100% going up in value in canada.

i recall when i wanted to buy franks car nov 2012 (relatively mint pristine 2003 black 35km nsx having a tough time selling for 50k, he even told me a few on this forum even offered him significantly less, perhaps mid 40s), i think his car ended up selling to a USA buyer after 3/4 of a year b4 spring 2013.

a car like his would be swept in less then 24 hours today. i've seen high milage (200km+) early 90s nsx's in the past year sell for 35-39 relatively quickly.

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i think its totally delusional and hilarious, and i'm not an nsx owner. i am usually the first to knock my neighbors in my area for listing their poorly maintained/tackily renovated homes at prices in which they are obliviously trying to break the neighborhood price-record. i also knock my 911 buddies who try to sell their cars at delusional prices (so they can use the money to trade in the market...). from ONLY what i've seen PERSONALLY, their cars dont sell for practically a year and they complain that they would have made an absolutely killing in the market during the time period in which the car sat around unsold at some silly price-point.

no matter how big or small an item, if overpriced too aggressively too fast increases the chances to significantly 'eff up the entire market IMHO. ESPECIALLY if they can be easily compared to other examples and are deemed poor value.

disclaimer, as i've said before.... i do see and believe clean low milage good condition nsx's can command a surprisingly good amount of coin, but a high milage riced out/poor condition ride is definitely worth a chuckle or two.

Well that's just it. I don't think he is an owner. $70k is a big number, still no reason to knock the owner for being delusional. Sure hope when it comes time for me to sell, I don't get the same treatment for asking what I believe it's worth....
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I hope he sells for what he is asking, maybe in the next 20 years I might be selling my NSX asking price..... are you ready $99,999.99
Owner is Nathan, and he's on here as Red Dragon.

Based on what everyone else thinks their NSX is worth, I believe his price is about right.

Outside of the NSXPrime/Hondaworld bubble though, it becomes a harder sell once in encrouches into the Ferrari F355/360/AudiR8/LotusEvora market prices (IMHO).
i think its available for a 15 grand discount now after about a week or two of being advertised online.... in case anyone is interested in the car.
yup that would be Nathan's car alright, IMO it doesn't hurt to fetch for the moon and see what sticks. From what I recall everything is up to date, T-Belt and waterpump was done not to long ago at APH along with all the seals complete Engine out service.
IMO it doesn't hurt to fetch for the moon and see what sticks.

It sure can. Would you, as a serious buyer, approach a seller asking for what you consider to be the moon? Of course I can only speak for myself, but I bet most would consider this to be a waste of time, even more so when the price is firm and "serious buyer will be screened". There is only so much premium someone can put into an asking price hoping to push the model upmarket. I think it drives away more serious candidates than it discourages tire kickers. Fetching the moon usually results in progressively lowered asking prices, until interested buyers are willing to come forth, and that rarely results in a solid negociation position for the seller.
OP has been "lurking since 2002", of course he's gonna make fun of anyone selling their NSX for more that $15,000.
The value of these cars is going up man, keep lurking...
From my sometimes painful hunt, it was eventually obvious that asking prices were often inversely proportional to the square of the seller's actual desire to sell more than anything else. Too bad seller's desire isn't ever disclosed and can be detected only after wasting hours of valuable time with occasional sellers who really aren't that motivated.
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lol. in all fairness simon is a good guy and from what i gather is on the serous hunt for an nsx.

OP has been "lurking since 2002", of course he's gonna make fun of anyone selling their NSX for more that $15,000.
The value of these cars is going up man, keep lurking...
i told him to take it easy. he is probably just frustrated; and i wouldnt take it too personally or offensively.

now if i listed my my car or my house for 25-30% above typical market/selling value i would fully expect to be laughed at.

good guy doesn't trash-talk or laugh on people sale thread, very disrespectful.

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:) !!

side note he is now asking for 54K :)

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