a 1997 nsx with 817 miles for $43k, too good to be true?

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"i really admire this site
is pretty neat
i'm sorry you all had to pay top dollar for your cars.
you guys are making me look like a bad guy here and are running around like 9 year old
girls mad because somebody else has a nicer barbie and it was a lot cheaper than yours...
have a nice day girls.........
anyways i hope you guys never run into personnal problems and you guys have to sell your cars wheter is a bussines deal or whatever, thats only if you guys have your cars paid for
since 9 year old girls never do"

Now he wants help/info?
Who is this guy?

Sorry, just my opinion.
It's certainly one of the more unique introductions this site has seen in a while.He is trying to make nice by asking questions although the search button alludes him.Maybe we should start all over,Hy, how you doing?I'm also interrested in your cars real history.800 miles in 5 yrs is wack,unless in dehumidified storage.
Originally posted by low miles97':

but the blue book i got was through aol and its edmunds.com and its true market value not kellie blue book so get off your clouds.

Hey, dumbf***. Don't forget your earlier post: "when i came up with the price check the blue book and low blue book was 47,000"

You talking about Edmund's now?

So I don't think I need to "get off my clouds" How about you just get off the forum? (and learn how to spell while you're at it)
I don't recall where I saw it, but recently there was a blue salvaged and repaired NSX for sale for a very low price. It may have been ebay. I wonder if this may be the same car and has had it's title "cleaned".

It may not be for sale any longer so the "heat" will die down and maybe go up for sale later.

[This message has been edited by SCS2k (edited 12 July 2002).]
hey get off my nuts and get in your girls pants, before your neighbor does.
i was tring to be nice you midle age crisis viagra using f****
if you dont like my spelling or my car dont look at it.
friendly site bunch of f****** haters
keep working that 8 to 5 you will pay off your car someday loosers
Originally posted by low miles97':
hey get off my nuts and get in your girls pants, before your neighbor does.
i was tring to be nice you midle age crisis viagra using f****
if you dont like my spelling or my car dont look at it.
friendly site bunch of f****** haters
keep working that 8 to 5 you will pay off your car someday loosers

Here's some info, since you jumped to conclusions about the age of us NSX owners.
Topic: If you are an NSX owner, please indicate your age
19 or under 11.7%
20-29 37.1%
30-39 27.5%
40-49 15.6%
50-59 5.5%
60 or over 2.2%
You must fall somewhere in the first or second group? Which is pretty much HALF of the owners. You sure aren't going to make any friends with your approach. You know, trying to sell the car as perfect shape and then us old geezers finding out the truth. Keep in mind that if Lud(this is HIS site and free 2 boot, please respect it) reads too much of your attitude and cursing, you are history. Here is a recent quote from our leader; "Any community this large has personality conflicts and even the occasional jerk. I think the overall signal-to-noise ratio is fairly good, and if you ignore the occasional BS there is plenty of good info and dialogue". A tip from me to you. Maybe you can just sit back, read for awhile and you'll be surprised at the fellowship and comradery that is on this site. Thoughts?
Originally posted by low miles97':
hey get off my nuts and get in your girls pants, before your neighbor does.
i was tring to be nice you midle age crisis viagra using f****
if you dont like my spelling or my car dont look at it.
friendly site bunch of f****** haters
keep working that 8 to 5 you will pay off your car someday loosers

Low miles97',

I know that you probably feel personally attacked in this site, but in reality...it was mentioned earlier that we all look out for one another here. We all share the same passions for NSXs, so if you were to ever come around here for help in fixing or buying an NSX, we would be more then happy to help.

It's all a matter of being honest, in which you have yet proven yourself to be. I know that I got heat for some posts in the past, but you learn for your mistakes.

In regards to your spelling, it wasn't that any of us was criticizing it. I believe it was a matter of articulation and simply making sense in the sentences. If you don't want to come off as unintelligent, just proof read everything you write before you click on the submit button. It is sometimes difficult to give feeback to opinions when the interpretation is lost.

One last thing, the majority of people in this forum are hard working individuals and not all of them are "rich". For the wealthy ones, many are self made and know that $$ is not something that is carelessly blown. For those that are still in the 8-5 grind, we especially need to be weary of any suspicious cars before we make a large investment that will require us to "someday pay it off".

Enjoy what you have.
Low miles 97. You offend me. I'm one of those 9-5 guys who work for what they have.

Don't you work? is that why you couldn't come up with a quick 50 Grand? Hell, I could put that on a card if I needed quick funds. Anyway... if you want to join us, say your sorry and tell us, from your own hand, the real story of this car. Tell us :

Why a 97 lease vehicle has only 800 miles?
Why it has new O1 wheels?
Why it sat in the sun for years?
Why the leather is hard and dry?
Why the title reads clean?

9-5 is great especially if you love your work. Even though I do, I find myself watching the clock for 5 to arrive... but only on days that I drove the NSX
hey low miles 97; sorry you are feeling so persecuted. the posters on this site may be 'little girls' and 'old viagra #**###*s' but we all get along very well.

if your car is legit, defend it, dont attack us for being suspicious. i personally met a guy who buys wrecked nsx's and rebuilds them. he is selling them for over 40k. on a dealers lot i looked at a nsx with 8k miles but the leather looked really really worn. compared to the 16k mile nsx i bought, which shows virtually no wear, i am suspicious of the accuracy of that cars mileage. the original owner of that car would have had a sandpaper ass if those miles are accurate.

keep in mind, 'caveat emptor' is the buyer's responsibility.

so, if your car is what it is, show us and we'll recommend it accordingly.

best wishes from the 'show me' state, missouri.
Originally posted by huckster:
hey low miles 97; sorry you are feeling so persecuted. the posters on this site may be 'little girls' and 'old viagra #**###*s' but we all get along very well

...and we don't act immature by calling each other names.

Behave yourself if you plan on sticking around.
Originally posted by low miles97':
hey get off my nuts and get in your girls pants, before your neighbor does.
i was tring to be nice you midle age crisis viagra using f****
if you dont like my spelling or my car dont look at it.
friendly site bunch of f****** haters
keep working that 8 to 5 you will pay off your car someday loosers

What makes you assume that you are so much younger or well off than anyone here? By your terminology and language, I am guessing that you are from 16-21? I for one am not a middle age loser, and am probably younger than you. I also know that there are very few people that are "well off" living in the boondocks of Bakersfield. Especially the ones who cannot spell. I'll also bet that most of the owners here have their cars paid off in full and don't need to sell their cars to raise money for "investments" like you. The only one who is coming off looking like a loser here, is you.
I see that lowmiles 97 describes himself as a "real estate investor".
Just who would ever take him seriously enough to deal with him in the real estate business?
"low miles 97'" will be taking a break from posting now... If he wants posting priviliges back he can e-mail me.

Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Now where did I put my Viagra??

[This message has been edited by NSX Prime (edited 13 July 2002).]
Wow, I'm pretty easy going and tolerant of rants, and generally don't agree with kicking people off the forum, but you sir (low miles97') have lost even me. I'd encourage you to take a while to read your posts, and browse the forum to see what type of community this is (one where we watch out for one another as friends for example). Then decide if this is a place you'd like to spend some time and participate. If it is, then talk to Lud and work it out. In the end I think you'll be glad you did.
BTW, it should probably read low miles’97

Good luck.
Originally posted by Joel:

You have the NSX AND the S2000 (avatar)?
Are those both yours?

S2000? I wish. It belongs to a friend of mine. In that photo, my car is flanked on either side by a yellow type R and the S2000. Also present that day was another type R and S2000 and a 93 RX7. All yellow, and of course my yellow CBR600F3.

Even though it was a cloudy day, the sun was shining brightly at my place
Just a thought, maybe we weren't communicating with that guy on the right level. Here's a few phrases he might be more used to hearing:

"I know you are but what am I?"
"It takes one to know one"
"Sticks and stones may break my bones..."
"Yo mama!"

Seriouly though, he should stay away from those nine year olds, that could get him in real trouble.
Sorry to bring this back from dead... does anyone know whatever happen to this blue NSX??
Keep people informed

Vehicle Specifications Vin# JH4NA2167VT000020


Since there seems to be some weariness about this car, can we coolect the facts and if there is info that states that this car was wrecked, salvage title, or anything other than clean/accident free, can we annotate this on the Totalled NSX page so that we can keep track of this car and keep others that visit this sight from buying something that they are not looking for. I have a feeling that this car will resurface in the future once everyone's focus shifts. Quibbling is the same as lying.

What do ya'll think?

my 0.02..........
SCS2k said:
I don't recall where I saw it, but recently there was a blue salvaged and repaired NSX for sale for a very low price. It may have been ebay. I wonder if this may be the same car and has had it's title "cleaned".

It may not be for sale any longer so the "heat" will die down and maybe go up for sale later.

[This message has been edited by SCS2k (edited 12 July 2002).]

That one is at the infamous www.ecocar.com
mikec said:
Low miles 97. You offend me. I'm one of those 9-5 guys who work for what they have.

Don't you work? is that why you couldn't come up with a quick 50 Grand? Hell, I could put that on a card if I needed quick funds. Anyway... if you want to join us, say your sorry and tell us, from your own hand, the real story of this car. Tell us :

Why a 97 lease vehicle has only 800 miles?
Why it has new O1 wheels?
Why it sat in the sun for years?
Why the leather is hard and dry?
Why the title reads clean?

It is possible that the car has 800 miles on it. Many of the questions above may have a simple answer.
Here is how I see it. The car was leased and almost immediately wrecked. Then the lessee bought the car from the leasing company and either planed to repair it or sold it to someone that did. This would put the insurance company out of the lopp thus keeping the title clean. Then the car sat for a long time because of the high cost to repair. The damage may have been so extensive that it damaged the wheels and broke some of the glass. I bet for many years this car sat outside someone's garage in the weather and was not covered properly. The seats were more than likely damaged from a mixture of sun, rain, snow, and body filler dust. I also bet that the wheels were replaced because of damage to the original set. I sure would like to see some picture of the gas and brake pedals to check for wear.
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