96K is that a lot of miles for a 1993 NSX?

2 April 2002
Not all service records are available for the car and it is at the dealer ship right now getting checked out by a certified NSX mechanic.
Found problems at present slight leak on the oil pan and valve covers. Also the clutch master cylinder is leaking into the car and needs an antenna mast. Car came back clean on carfax and autocheck. She has been through the auction block a couple of times.

The owner is looking at $27K for the car at present what do you think? This was his price before it went into the dealer. Just looking for feedback good bad or other…

“Trying to put and NSX in the stabl
Sorry if this is not in the right place but it is my first post with NSX PRIME.
An NSX should still be reliable at 93K miles if it has been well maintained. If you don't have (and can't get) the service history, you should probably assume that no maintenance has been done recently - which means replacing the timing belt and water pump ($1200) and doing all the other 30-60-90K service items (around $1000). If you know where the car was owned, you can call dealers in the area to see if any of them has a service history on it.

The price is okay and reflects the high mileage.

Have you run a Carfax to check the title history?

This forum is okay or even better, you can post in the General Discussion forum on NSXprime. The Technical forum is usually used for more technical discussions (do it yourself etc).
I did run a carfax and autocheck on it... Came back clean also the dealer did tell me that the timing belt, clutch etc. were replced around 76K. Not sure about water pump, he did not say.

The only concern that I have is that the car has been through the auction block 4 times in a year time frame and is on its 4th owner as well.

The car is with the NSX mechanic at present I told him to look/insp. the car as if he was going to buy it. really look it over.
Thanks for the post.
