Well , after one year or so with no problems, my car did the old no-start routine again--same as described above; complete power to all accessories, but none getting to the starter. HOWEVER, this time when I turned the key, it began to turn over for a fraction of a second and I heard a loud click from behind the glove box and then nothing. This must be the starter relay referred to above(?) Would this suggest that this is the problem? Of all of things I did, I never replaced this relay. As always, after a few tries, the car started right up again.
Second Q--is it possible to hot start an NSX by jumping a wire from the solenoid connector directly to the positive battery post in the fuse box in the engine compartment? ( assuming that the ignition key is on and someone is depressing the clutch , of course). I ask this just in case the car doesn't start at all some day miles from home
By the way, one of the things I replaced last year was the main relay--as a preventive measure