92 honda nsx Type S

Oh, I get it... so you inspect the cars?

Can we go through you?
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I think we shoud all chip in and buy him a new keyboard complete with PUNCTUATION..
If you want people to take you seriously, typing like a 15 year old on a cell phone isn't the way to do it. :biggrin:
If english isn't your first language I suppose we could excuse it.

sorry my wife bitches also but no its my only language i couldnt even learn spanish trust i tryed and if you dont want to take me serious dont my work speaks for my integraty and workmanship
Oh, I get it... so you inspect the cars?

Can we go through you?

inspecting is easy for pre 95 but in the case of the nsx yes i had to change a few things on the car cause they werent DOT approved like tires, marker lights mirrors brake pads etc

but yea i guess if you wanted too
got home, passed out ,,,, just woke up ,,, and whoa ..... this gets better and better .... I am so confused now, there's even weird drive license pic now ...

ok not type-s we got that ,,, but rhd nsx .... I am not a hater, but OP you sound way to relax to have a non type-s and be OK with it, maybe $ is not an issue to you? and I hope you can bring to the US your Type-R too ....

I am just confused, i should just go back to sleep ... good night!
Very clean car!
Don't forget those cool Yellow grounding straps!
Thats aftermarket!
In Canada, we do what we want, when we want, with whom we want, for as long as we want.
your a retard oscar read the licence it says NYS INSPECTOR

hey, don't call me retard man, it is a valid Identification, and I can read what it is, just chill, it is WEIRD to see an ID on here that's all ... wtf man ....
your a retard oscar read the licence it says NYS INSPECTOR

Come on now, you're going to start calling someone names for misunderstanding you? :confused:

sduffass said:
Dude, riced out Nsx? It has wheels, west wing front lip, marga hills sides, and suspension with not even a wing. I hardly call that riced out. Furthermore, he said it MAY NOT be a type S. Just saying dude.

Riced out was harsh, I admit, but just about any mods to a Type-R/Type-S IMO are too much IMO. And it's not just the lip, sides and suspension that's modded on that car.

And yes, he admitted it might not be a Type-S but the point is he went through all of the trouble of finding, purchasing and importing a car he thought was a Type-S until someone told him it wasn't 9 minutes after his first post on Prime and his response was, "That sucks."
like i said earlier i dont really care about the typ s part what i like is that i have a rare car that ive always dreamed about and i heard so much about this site and that i should get on it to share my experinces and to learn more about my favorite car not to be harased and to be told that im a lier. i found away to get these cars and if no wants to appreciate it then what ever
Tennessee is one of the easiest states to get a vehicle of any type registered.

somewhat off topic, but I know a guy who got a Lotus Exige 260 Cup car licensed for street use in Iowa. The car is sold w/o headlights or a VIN, he said it took some cash and banana bread. LOL
Sometimes it's good to live in the Midwest.:biggrin:
Nsxprime Bullies, first you push this guy down, then kick him in the head, then you don't like when he fights back.
Grow up.
Just the way I feel.
Ok, my opinion...

One of my closest friends has typing skills that make the OP's appear to be Shakespeare, I mean, he's practically illiterate. The guy dropped out of HS in 10th grade when he turned 18... HOWEVER, he has a business sense unlike most anyone I know. He constantly has some new project that's making money... Nothing exhorbitant, but still... Anyhow, he also has a dealer's license and somehoe is always finding deals on cars that seem to good to be true. Yah not every single one comes up roses, but he does well.

All that said, in the beginning it seemed like the OP was full of it, but after reading either he's REALLY dedicated to living the lie, or he's skirted all the obstacles and really GOT a RHD car. That said, give it time!

Pretty much everyone on here eventually meets up with other members, so it's only a matter of time until he brings his car out to some event where people will see it. If he does, yay! If he always 'forgets' then call it living the lie.

At this point I'd just like to see the car!!

To the OP: if your "for real" then just answer what ya can and don't woory about the periods... If you REALLY wana shut up the doubters, take a quick picture of ya with your ride holding a "for the haterz on prime" sign and even mispell a few words to really hit the point home. Ya post a picture like that and no one will be able to argue that you at the very least KNOW where a RHD car is!! Good luck!!
"NYS inspecters license" Enough said, I believe you. Perks of the Job, you could get anything to pass if you are the one inspecting it… LOL. Sweet ride however like others have stated, I don’t think it is a Type-S. Regardless it is a nice car and very rare, being right hand drive and all. Some people like to jump to conclusions, before they have all the facts. We often have Kids coming on prime saying how they have that 500Hp NSX, and start flame wars when they get busted. Welcome to prime. You will find that there is a lot of good information, on just about anything you could need for you car. Hope to see you around at some of our local events. Don’t forget to become a member of NSXCA and attend NSXPO, after all its not to far from you.
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no i just havent got it done yet i have been pulled over a few times but i show them my NYS inspecters license the shows were Carlile PA 09 that is my wife in the backround on one the other with the supra is hot inport night in english town new jersey 09 and the R34, R32, and my civic is at NOPI in columbus ohio last year 08 i think a couple of the pics i hade my dealer plate on couse it took a bit to get the title back

heres a pic of my licencse for the none belivers lol

That New York State Inspectors card answers most of my questions. If you are validating your own car, I can see how it might skate by easier. Is it titled as a 'Honda NSX', an 'Acura NSX', or something else? Like I said previously, I really hope you did find a way to do this, because I would like to get an NSX-R and be able to drive, insure, and operate it here legally.

Put bluntly....it sounds like you managed to do this is a manner that normal people would not be able to do. Would that be a fair statement? That is great if you can get it done, but I am just saying that this method does not sound open to the general public.
Nsxprime Bullies, first you push this guy down, then kick him in the head, then you don't like when he fights back.
Grow up.
Just the way I feel.

For me it's more a matter of presentation and credibility. His initial posts come off more like a 12 year-old than and adult. And his spelling and punctuation is about as difficult to decipher as Tamoske's! :eek:

I have to stop reading after the first ten run-on sentences.
Ryan, be thankful that you don't play online poker and aren't a sexual offender! :D :wink:

As for the car, it's great that you were able to get a RHD into the states using your knowledge of the system. However, isn't it difficult to drive the car and not be able to see around some of the curves on the roads. I drove a LHD car around England a few years ago and it was a royal PITA. No matter what though, it's still an NSX and enjoy it.

I do agree that you need to clean up your typing skills. It's a little difficult to understand what you are trying to wr
thanks for the complements and again sorry for the typing problems. um dirving it is not that difucult just like drive throughs and tolls but like i said my civic is like that so i been driven RHD for about three years now. the title still says honda. that nsxpo im planning on goin to that the show importfest is the weekend before and im staying at my friends house in kitchener ontario.

FWIW Don't believe anything that the auction sites tell you unless backed by paperwork and then only half of it my be true.

The NA2-Rs are hovering around the 12 million yen mark and the NA1-Rs around 7 to 8.

Your best bang for the buck is an 02 plus Custom Program/ Type S.


Welcome to PRIME! :smile: Congrats on your purchase. You have done the seemingly impossible from what I have read. I think your car looks great. I'll bet it took a while to get used to shifting with your left hand. I would have gone through a couple of gearboxes by now.

Enjoy yourself!
Welcome to prime and nice job skating the rhd model through dmv!
You must definitely have some pull somewhere... I believe it all 100%. The first 2 pics posted were definitely from englishtown, I was suppose to be at that show but it was suppose to rain. Welcome to the nsx world