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91 NSX with 75 miles

21 October 2000
Phoenix, AZ
Just looked at a 91 w/ 3k miles for $49k. Posted the inquiry... if that is the going price. Didn't really receive any first hand input back. Sooooo, is this the going rate for a very low mileage 91?
IMO, Unless your looking for a museum piece, you'd be better off using the 50K and buying a much newer NSX. The downsides of a "new" 91 are:

1. You will immediatly need to put more money into it for maintenance such as timing belt, seals, fluid changes.. and who knows how much more. Its not good for cars to sit unused.

2. As soon as you start driving the car it will lose value FAST because it will lose its premium low miles status. In a short time it will be "just another 91".

3. Even though its a "new car" It lacks the upgrades and fixes that you could get by buying a newer model with the same money.


keep the shiny side up
MikeC 01 #46

[This message has been edited by mikec (edited 28 October 2002).]