'91-'92 snap ring questions

25 November 2004
Upstate NY
I'm in the market for an NSX and, so far, every '91 and '92 I've seen or inquired about fall w/i the questionable snap-ring range. Here are my q's: Is there a way to visually inspect whether the snap ring is correct or not? A technition told me that he thought that there is an inspection hole in the tranny where it can be seen. Is this correct? Also--aside from repacing the tranny, which the local dealer told me is what they do to correct it, is there a less dramtic/expensive way to proceed . I'm talking preventively, not after a snap ring gives way?
You would not need an entire trans, unless it was broken and then continued to be driven. Typical repair is $1500-2000. Please do a search and read the FAQ. There are YEARS of info on this topic here:).

Larry Bastanza said:
Please do a search and read the FAQ. There are YEARS of info on this topic here:).
More specifically, here are three places to start:

1. The FAQ. Click on FAQ, then on Troubleshooting, then on Transmission.

2. This topic containing information from Mark Basch.

3. This post with advice on buying a snap ring car.
You really should not be worried about it.

If it does break: you needed to replace your clutch anyways and take care of the problem then. The only downside is that the break may occur at anytime and will have to be immediately towed to ensure minimal damage to the trans.

If it does not break: fix it when you get your next clutch. Problem solved: don't worry about it again.

It really isn't a big deal, go buy and drive your NSX in peace.

I agree with drew, 100 percent (and said the same thing in my post for which I posted the link above).

The only reason I would do the preventive repair would be if I needed transmission service anyway. drew mentioned the clutch replacement, which is one reason for transmission service; other reasons include the installation of aftermarket gearing modifications and/or the repair of hub selectors and synchros whose worn teeth cause crunching when shifting.
My car is in snap ring range and i really dont worry too much about it.... if it goes, it goes and then its time for a 6 speed conversion :smile: :smile:
The more and more I read about different ways to mod the car I feel like I should have looked for a car in snap ring range. 1st it would be cheaper. 2nd its a great excuse to put in the 4.23 final drive + JDM short gears and at the same time change the old syncro's that probably are bad or are going to go bad shortly. You can also get the whole blue printed package from Science of speed for under $3000 which would include the parts to fix the snap ring problem.

Just another option to throw out there.