808 City Lights

So do you have a rough number or exact count of how many on this island? Sorry for being niele, but I just recently got my NSX and it prolly shows with all these questions!!! LOL!
I drive mine daily here in Honolulu, funny enough I do my inventory runs in the car most of the time.
Hey fellow 808 NSX's! I just got back from Iraq and I'm dying to pull my NSX out of storage and take it for a drive. Is there a meet in the near future?
I met up with 2 other NSX owners recently, I don't mind having a meet at my restaurant during the day. Just let me know when.
Howzit everyone! I would be down for an NSX gathering! I would love to learn more about my car from other NSX owners out there. Just let me know when and where! Shoots!