7th Annual CalCoastalNSX Canyon Drive PICTURE Thread

"So that was your daughter!!...I wish I woulda known, well maybe its better that I didn't. haha "

LOL LOL, she's 20.
& I am an old fart...
(But still do have a valid drivers licence):biggrin:
Its amazing I can still drive as well as I do, for my age....LOL LOL

Haha... uh yeah I'm an idiot. I would've have def been ok with a passenger swap though.. alright enough.

I hope I'm in the same position you are at that age.. spending quality time with family and friends AND with the NSX!!
Damn...Neo...awesome shot while hanging out of Randy's car. Do you have any of my NSX in motion? I tried hanging outside of my NSX to take a shot like that, but it was too difficult to steer at the same time! j/k

I apologize in advance, but my photos won't be up any time soon. I was at a wedding the week before and have roughly 1,000 photos to go through before I even get to the ones I took on the drive.

Here's a teaser (it's a little dark...I'll reprocess it later)
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Great pics! Keep them coming :smile:

Can't wait to see Eric's photos :biggrin: take your time bud.:eek:
Great looking event! ? for whomever ,was the white widebody car sos had, Steve and Heathers old car,and if so who is the new owner?
There were two white widebody NSX's there.

Steve & Heather brought their's out. Last I heard, they were keeping it and getting a turbo installed. ;)

Chris from SoS was also there with a sweet new paddle shifter system.
Outstanding snaps gentlemen.

I cannot wait to post pics from our Canadian version next weekend :cool:
"I hope I'm in the same position you are at that age.. spending quality time with family and friends AND with the NSX!!"


Life is what you make it.
@45 I am having as much fun with cars as when I was 15.
(Bought a 68 Mustang @14 1/2, set it up for 1/4 mi. till I got my Lic.)

Nothing changes.:biggrin:
Great drive, It was nice to finally meet some of you :smile:

here are a couple pics we took....sorry we took alot of my car...:rolleyes:









<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/qwoLhKorBUo"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/qwoLhKorBUo" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Here's some of the video.. like it says, I apologize for the quality. No professional videographers here. Not even good editing.. no editing :tongue:... Just brought the camera along for fun. The speed in some of the shots is lost cause of the overzoom which loses any reference points. Most of the faster sections I couldn't put on because the camera was waaay to shakey.... oh well next time.

White group = the best (and lead group) :wink: :tongue:
A couple of us lost our way (thanks Chris! ;)). We turned around and tried to catch up. But then we got held up for a loooooong time.


It was about 108* out. My AC wasn't quite up to the task.


Nice pics. I can post the full-size versions if anyone wants.



My fiancee and I about to get run over... :eek:


My new desktop image:


My pics of NEO are victims of strong backlight.



All my pics posted here.
Here's a quick video that Vince made. He has 4+ hours of footage and we'll post more as he finishes processing them. The camera/tripod was mounted on the center console and the microphone was placed beside the right trunk strut inside the trunk. The microphone was then switched to the in-car mic right before the tunnel towards the end of the video. I wish we had more tunnels so that we could try the in-trunk mic through a tunnel. :biggrin:

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/4Uy0mGNRZ9g"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/4Uy0mGNRZ9g" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
What an awesome collection of NSXs! :biggrin: So many cool cars on the drive with different looks and features. I don't know how many people noticed, but I'm loving the look of Will Cantrell's new rear diffuser that was on Chris@SOS's car. As always Randy and Neo took some great shots!