UPDATE! If you have bald tires or oil leaking (the most obvious problems), now is the time to fix it. The secret sluth tech inspector will be looking at all cars tires and for oil leaks.
Also included will be random checks of lug torque. No charge!
Q: What if I show up with bald tires/oil leaks?
A: Thanks for the donation to the fun fund! Sorry, just ran out of maps.
If you brought your forms to the meeting, you have been updated on the list.
If you brought incomplete forms to the meeting, you'll need to mail new ones out ASAP (notated in red below). The checklist should be actually taken seriously, not just checked off as a bother. This ensures a safe trip for you and others going. .
If mailing forms out: Monday, June 6th. would be the latest you should mail it out to get there by the Wednesday, June 8th. cutoff.
Not sure if manx469, NSXWIND, Onsoku, POWEREDbyHONDA, Mark911, Darkcyd, UP2YU, evof575gtc or X-Toy have mailed their forms in.
If you know these gents, please contact them and give them a friendly reminder. :biggrin:
0. NSXTC (Marc M5 earless leader) PAID Received tech inspection/release!
1. ss_md (Scott and Linda) 2 PAID Received tech inspection/release!
2. SoCal-NSX (Dave & Leslie D.) 2 PAID / Received tech inspection/release!
3. awsomr1 (James and Mindy) 2 +radio PAID / Received tech inspection/release!
4. AndyH (Andy H) 1 +radio PAID / Received tech inspection/release!
5. icefire (Jerry B.) 1 +radio PAID / Received tech inspection/release!
6. Heartbeat (George and Daina) 2 +radio PAID / Received tech inspection/release!
7. clausibaus (Claus and Shirley) 2 PAID / Received tech inspection/release!
8. bambookid (Ed C.) 1 +radio PAID / Received tech inspection/release!
9. NSX-POWER - 2 (Michael B. & Larry S.) PAID / Received tech inspection/release!
10. nfire (Arnie S.) 1 PAID / Received tech inspection/release!
11. CDub (Chris W.) 1 PAID / Received tech inspection/release!
12. Mort (Tom M. & guest) 2 PAID / Received tech inspection/release!
13. Joshs (Josh and Margo) 2 +radio PAID / Received tech inspection/release!
14. Hapa88 (Adrian H. & passenger) 2 +radio PAID / Received tech inspection/release!
15. UFO (Mike and Mitchell) 2 +radio PAID / Received tech inspection/release!
16. Joseph (Joseph S.) 1 PAID / Received tech inspection/release!
17. PoohBEAR (Calvin P.) 1 +radio PAID / Received tech inspection/release!
18. Dexter 1 PAID / RECEIVED INCOMPLETE tech inspection/release. PLEASE MAIL A NEW ONE
19. Kwante 1 PAID / RECEIVED INCOMPLETE tech inspection/release. PLEASE MAIL A NEW ONE
20. SilverOne (David L.) 1 PAID / RECEIVED INCOMPLETE tech inspection/release. PLEASE MAIL A NEW ONE
21. FuryNSX (Randy C.) 1 PAID / In the mail tech inspection/release
22. SuperSpeed (Art P.) 1 +radio PAID / In the mail tech inspection/release
23. tbNSX (Troy B.) 1 PAID / In the mail tech inspection/release
24. Akira3d (Eric) 1 PAID / In the mail tech inspection/release
25. K2 (Kenny) 1 PAID / In the mail tech inspection/release
26. Karl 1 PAID / In the mail tech inspection/release
27. Eugene 1 PAID / In the mail tech inspection/release
28. Ca AGNSX (Steve R.) 1 PAID / In the mail tech inspection/release
29. NSX-ster (Mark S.) 1 PAID / In the mail tech inspection/release
30. RARNSX (Richard & passenger) 2 +radio PAID / In the mail tech inspection/release
31. CoolNSX (Gil and Donna) 2 PAID / In the mail tech inspection/release
32. John Martin 1 PAID / In the mail tech inspection/release
33. Zero-cool (Vu N) 1 PAID / In the mail tech inspection/release
34. manx469 (Stephen & CJ) 2 +radio PAID / Waiting for tech inspection/release
35. NSXWIND (Wind and Angel) 2 +radio PAID / Waiting for tech inspection/release
36. Onsoku (Robert) 1 +radio PAID / Waiting for tech inspection/release
37. POWERED by HONDA (Conrad S.) 1 PAID / Waiting for tech inspection/release
38. Mark911 (Mark and Jo-Anne) 2 +radio PAID / Waiting for tech inspection/release
39. Darkcyd (Vince C.) 1 PAID / Waiting for tech inspection/release
40. UP2YU (Hoa and Jade) 2 +radio PAID / Waiting for tech inspection/release
41. evof575gtc (Erick ?.) 2 +radio PAID / Waiting for tech inspection/release
42. X-Toy (Peter Y.) 2 PAID / Waiting for tech inspection/release
Head count is now at 60, there are no more spots left!
Below is the beginning of the waiting list. If someone can't or doesn't want to go, then people on the waiting list will be taken in the order they have paid and received tech inspection/release forms. Keep in mind, there is always are some people that can't make it, so all is not lost! .
1. CChung (Calvin C.) 1 +radio PAID / Received tech inspection/release! I'm next in line to bump someone who doesn't have their forms in in time!
2. Ryneen (Ryan R.) 1 PAID / RECEIVED INCOMPLETE tech inspection/release. PLEASE MAIL A NEW ONE
3. CarbonNSX 1 PAID / In the mail tech inspection/release
4. TheYellowBeast 1 PAID / Waiting for tech inspection/release
5. Casper91 (Brad G.) 1
6. drmanny3 (Manny and Victoria) 2
7. surferX (Art A.) 1
8. VampNSX (M.M.) 1
9. HotRod (Rod I.) 1
10. T-Med (Terry) 1
11. bakersfieldnsx 1
12. votrix 1
13. JAKiii (Jamie) 1
14. Bretsky (Bret) 1
15. SilverBullet (Scott S. & passenger) 2
16. Cruzrmm (Mike) 1
17. fkong777 1
18. blackcat (brian) 1
19. Kato (Kalon W.) 1
20. ABlackOne (Lawrence) 1
21. Kensx450 ( 1 )
Volunteer list:
1. icefire
2. awsomr1
3. PoohBEAR
5. TheYellowBeast
6. coolNSX
The "I need a Club Radio" list:
1. icefire (Jerry B.) PAID
2. SuperSpeed (Art P.) PAID
3. UFO (Mike and Mitchell) PAID
4. manx469 (Stephen & CJ) PAID
5. awsomr1 (James & Mindy) PAID
6. Joseph (Joseph S.) PAID
8. Bambookid (Ed C.) PAID
9. Andy H (Andy) PAID
10. Joshs (Josh and Margo) PAID
11. Mark911 (Mark and Jo-Anne) PAID
12. RARNSX (Richard & passenger) PAID
13. Hapa88 (Adrian H. & passenger) PAID
14. Heartbeat (George and Daina) PAID
15. PoohBEAR (Calvin) PAID
16. UP2YU (Hoa and Jade) PAID