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5 speed tranny needed ASAP

6 February 2001
San Diego, CA, USA
5 speed tranny needed, preferably not broken into bits inside, but snap ring trannies are fine for what we need this for. Case must be good otherwise. (not cracked or have bits broken off etc.)

Functional condition of gears & ring and pinion inside irrelevant. (although they need to be there)

Let me know what you want for it.


Anyone with an extra "good" tranny that does not mind lending it out for a few months while it is off doing what it needed for will get one of what will come back at my cost if you are in the mood....(no dealers please)....no details :D but you have seen these on certain Japanese videos in certain Japanese race NSX's.
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NSXGOD said:
no details :D but you have seen these on certain Japanese videos in certain Japanese race NSX's.
You guys testing out a LHD adaptation of the aftermarket sequential shifter ??
