5 Japanese Members Need our Help!

My donation and prayers are sent
I have no paypal account, but I asked a friend (Andreas Fix).
He did the payment for me.

all the best from Germany

hi Hirofumi --

I submitted a payment today via PayPal which is the proceeds from our benefit auction. This is on behalf of the NSX Club of America and ScienceofSpeed.

We hope that this small token of our friendship will help to benefit the NSX Club of Japan members who have been affected by the tragic disasters in Japan. Please let them know that they are in our thoughts.

Warmest regards,
-- Chris
Donation sent. Well done to Hirofumi for organising this, we were all very shocked with the tragic events in Japan.

Also to Chris for the auction, great idea.

Kindest Regards,

I am surprised that such many donations are still reaching to my paypal account.
Already we provided this donation to 3 club members
(Mr. Yoshioka, Mr. Kawaguchi and Mr. Nakano) who need support immediately.
Next we will provide this to other 2 club members whose house are damaged.
And we will support some children who lost their parents by this disaster.

I say thank you very much for big help from many NSX Primers.

Very best regards,
Three months have passed and we've all gone on to think of other things... how about another round to help these folks who are still hurting?

I'll start....

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Yeah I send another donation. Any updates on how they are doing?
Cool, thanks SFNSXguy for bringing this current again. We'll donate more tonight (Don has the Paypal account).

I'll ask Hirofumi if he could update us on how he and everyone is doing.

Maybe we could top what we brought in before?!!!? Maybe?. I'm sure they need the help now too.

Let's see just how generous Prime can be!
Dead person 15,492
Missing person 7,356
As of June 25

I want to say "Thank you very much for your donations" again.
Your donations were provided three clubmembers and the foundation of children who lost their parents.

I update circumstance in Tohoku(north-east) area and five clubmembers
who live in this area. I wonder if I can explain this to you.

Over three months passed after disaster 3.11.
Nuclear power plant in Fukushima still have big problem,
especially radioactive contamination water will be filled in a few days
and overflow to sea. Now electric company try to purify this
by filter system from America and France.

Radioactive level is still high in some area of Fukushima prefecture,
so people in those areas leave their home and stay shelter like gymnasium.
Other problem is shortage of electoricity in this summer.
Many nuclear power plant in Japan still stop.
We cannot estimate when they work again.

I update about 5 clubmembers. We ask them to join Gan-san barbeque party
in Hokone on Aug 6. Mr. Motoharu Kurosawa invite many NSX owners
to his second house in Hakone every year.
He wants to encourage them this year especially.

1.Masami Yoshioka(Fukushima)
His home is located about two miles from nuclear power plant.
He escaped from his home to Aizu-wakamatsu-city, 60 miles from his home.
Now he lives in Iwaki-city, Fukushima with his wife. His three daughters
live in Tokyo. He is fine but he cannot return his home,
because radioactivity level is high. He own two NSXs and he plan to move
one NSX and park this near from him. He need permission
temporarily return to pick up NSX. His NSX has no damage,
except radioactivity on NSX.

2.Nobu Kawaguchi(Fukushima)
His home is located by sea, so probablly tsunami covered his NSX.
NSX is stayed in his garage. When he returned temporarily to check his home,
he found both front fender panels damaged. Some thing on sea water hit
his NSX. He estimates he cannot recover his NSX. He moved his home to Tokyo.
He own his company and lost his factory and customers.

3.Toshiaki Nakano(Ibaragi)
He is working for metal industries. His company has big damage by tsunami and fire.
And his home has damaged by land liquefy. He reported his house was leaned some degree,
but repaired. He live with little three daughters and his wife.
His NSX has damage on front fender and another clubmember
who is working for auto shop repaired it.

4.Shouzou Sugihara(Miyagi)
He is working for petroleum company. His company has big damage by tsunami and fire.
And he lost his Accord wagon Type-S by tsunami, he parked at his factory.
His home is located far from seaside, so no damages.
He lives his home with his wife. They are fine.

5.Katsuhiro Makuta(Fukushima)
He manage his own Ryokan(Japanese style hotel). His Ryokan is located 40 miles
from nuclear power plant, so no effect from radioactivity.
But very few travelers visit to Fukushima by rumor.
Pollution to vegetable and fish by radioactivity is big problem.

Many of we Japanese return to normal. But radioavtivity is still big problem.

Best regards,
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I don't check Prime often, and I just saw this thread...Are the donations still open?
A speech at the dinner party in NSXPO2011.
Thank you.



Good evening.
Do you know me? My name is Hirofumi Tomiyoshi and my user name on NSX Prime is nsxjapan.
I am the president of NSX club of Japan.
I am very happy to be here with you to enjoy NSXPO2011. I appreciate all the board members.

You know Japan was damaged in a disaster by earthquake and tsunami in March.
We got warm donations and encouragement.
First I want to say thank you very much to all of you and NSX club of America.
We provided your donations to 5 club members and a fund for children who lost their parents by traffic accident or disaster. This will be a big help for them.
Japan still has a serious problem, especially radioactivity from nuclear power plant in Fukushima.
But I believe we Japanese will definitely recover.

For me, tomorrow is final day.
I enjoy NSXPO with you and your NSXs.
Thank you.