3rd Annual "Tax Relief Drive" - April 28th 2007

Darn I wanted to bring someone but they are going to be gone that weekend....too bad its not a week earlier....:frown: :tongue:
I just tried to sign up not sure if I did it right.
Myself plus passanger let me know if I need to do something else.
? how do I get the form for payment :confused:
Updated post #1 for costs, deadlines and payment instructions.
Where do we send the payment? Money order, personal check? Is Paypal ok?

Updated post #1 for costs, deadlines and payment instructions.

When sending PayPal, please list your NSXPrime Name with payment. This makes it easier to track.

Thank you!!
Payment sent thru Paypal.
driver/passenger/radio rental

Scott - are you the Yahoo forum mod? If so, you should have seen me "re-apply" for creds on Saturday as I forgot my orginal logon creds (I don't use Yahoo - hate Yahoo). Please send me new ones so I can log on and find out where to send the money.

Or, send me a PM with the details.


i sent my forms out on thursday i was wondering if you have recieved them yet?
The name is Matt Bernhardt.

i sent my forms out on thursday i was wondering if you have recieved them yet?
The name is Matt Bernhardt.


Haven't checked the PO box. Will get them tomorrow.
Where is the meet located?
I HATE freakin' Yahoo. Where can I find the sign-up forms? The "Forms are HERE" link in the original post just goes to the main Yahoo page. I don't have time to check every thread and every post to find the forms - where are they located?

Did I mention that I HATE Yahoo?

That would be me - thanks.

BTW, who does the drivers license and insurance information get shared with?

Not that I'm paranoid or anything, but there are no shortage of nuts who make a living with basic personal information such as this. We need a privacy policy displayed, or at a minimum, a basic declaration from those requesting the information as to what they're going to do with it.

Hi Scott,

I went to the website with the forms but could only find the tech inspection form. I clicked on both the Tech form and Registration form and they both came up with the Tech form. Could you please check to see if this is correct? I would like to go on the run next weekend if possible with my son, Nick. Thanks.

Hi Scott,

I went to the website with the forms but could only find the tech inspection form. I clicked on both the Tech form and Registration form and they both came up with the Tech form. Could you please check to see if this is correct? I would like to go on the run next weekend if possible with my son, Nick. Thanks.


Should be fixed.