303 protectant is awesome

I have both and I can say that the 303 lasts longer than the mothers.

303 is more of a liquid than a gel and it is not slippery at all or shiny as long as you let it dry and buff it off.

The mothers is a bit slimy but is great for plastics rather than rubber since it soaks in more.
Mothers "Back to Black" has been amazing for me on plastic and rubber. I tried it on some old weathered motorcycle luggage that had been left out in the sun and weather for years. It was faded to gray. Rub in some back to black and it is new again and even lasts through washing and rain. This is a clearish gel that is used on all colors of plastic and rubber. So now I will pick up some 303 and test it!

I SWEAR by "Back to Black"

Stuff is gold and works REALLY great on all plastics and rubbers.
Hmm, I'll have to check it out for the NSX. I've been using 303 fabric protector for my outdoor furniture with sunbrella fabric. The stuff is unbelievable but needs to be re-applied every couple of years. Kind of expensive though -- for the outdoor stuff I think I went through like 8 of the 32oz bottles!
im in the coast guard and we use LOTS of 303, the stuff is amazing

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