$3.00/gal GAS!!!

For me:

15,000 miles/year
750 gallons/year

$1500/year at $2/gal (before)
$1875/year at $2.50/gal (now)

$375 more per year.
$31.25 more per month.

I'm okay now but when it hits $3 around here, I'll start beechin'.
I always find it amazing how people complain about $2.00 per gallon gas prices when they are more than willing to pay $8-$16 or even more per gallon for coffee!!!!!
That IRS deduction for SUV's last year doesn't sound so great now! :D
Tom Larkins said:
I wonder how many people that were against developing more of our own natural resources before would be in favor of allowing more drilling on our own soil now?
I think it's great that gas prices have climbed.

It will help prod the development of alternative energy sources, and help reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

The greatest period of gas efficiency innovation was in the period during the first OPEC oil crisis. Let's hope this will help spur more innovation.
.....and help reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

This is impossible. The USA has a finite number of hydrocarbon (crude oil, natural gas, fossil fuel) reserves. Historically, the USA has always imported oil to sustain our thirst for gasoline. Never for the rest of this planet’s life will we not be an importer of crude oil.....even if we drill wells in "prohibitive" areas. Hmm, let's see.....that would be west coast of Florida (gas), offshore California (oil) and ANWR (oil and gas). Wonder how residents of Florida and California will react to an offshore drilling rig just off their shoreline while pump prices are three to four bucks per barrel?
AndyVecsey said:
.....and help reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

This is impossible. The USA has a finite number of hydrocarbon (crude oil, natural gas, fossil fuel) reserves. Historically, the USA has always imported oil to sustain our thirst for gasoline. Never for the rest of this planet’s life will we not be an importer of crude oil.....even if we drill wells in "prohibitive" areas. Hmm, let's see.....that would be west coast of Florida (gas), offshore California (oil) and ANWR (oil and gas). Wonder how residents of Florida and California will react to an offshore drilling rig just off their shoreline while pump prices are three to four bucks per barrel?
Hmm, I thought somewhere in there I put "alternative fuel source".

I wonder what alternative means - solar, wind mills, regenerative / renewable sources like rivers, etc... in addition to making more energy efficient technology...

Hmmm, nah, I must've meant let's drill the crap out of the US.
I wonder what alternative means - solar, wind mills, regenerative / renewable sources like rivers, etc. Hmmm, nah, I must've meant let's drill the crap out of the US.

Touché. Shall we include nuclear? In all candor, this thread began with reference to hydrocarbon fuels, and that was my point.....once exhausted, they are not replenishable.