2nd Austin NSX Meet - 11/22/03 and 11/23/03

10 April 2001
Austin, TX
Hey all, just wanted to let everyone know that we're planning a second follow-on Austin NSX meet the weekend of the 22nd/23rd. The 22nd will include the group drive and the group lunch, the 23rd will be the optional carting run at RPM in Round Rock (if we have at least 10 confirmed participants).

There will be a web page up ASAP with details for the meet, an itinerary, and a map with all of the directions spelled out.

Hope to see everyone there!

Edit : The web page is up now, with a basic itinerary and pricing for RPM (more info coming later) - check it out at <a href="http://www.burbel.com/nsx-112203.html">www.burbel.com/nsx-112203.html</a>.
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Do you mind if a new owner from SA makes the drive up on the 22nd? I just finished the timing belt/water pump service and 60k service on my car, and it is such a blast to drive....I hope I never get to a point in my life where I take this for granted.

LeftLane, we'd be delighted if you could make it! If it was not for all the new NSXers, our last two meets would have been pretty dull. See you soon!

That sounds like a good plan....I'll either come up 35 or 281 to 46. Either way, we can hook up and head up to Austin together. We can work out details later.

Sound great, I think I can actually make this one not to mention I live just down the street. Off Parmer between Motorola and 1431.
wife and I were thinking of going to austin for wknd trip Dec 5th wknd. Maybe I can bump that date up to 22nd wknd.;)
I'M IN, I'M IN- AUSTIN HERE I COME. Man do I luv that town. Ojas, u got an itinerary(sp?) drawn up. I will probably make it for the drive, but might not make it for carting. This is supposed to be me and my wife's wknd get away!

Come on Houston people, Austin is 2.5 hours of houston. If I can make it for the meet, then u guys surely can! besides, I'm sure the roads around austin are a little more interesting than Houston roads.;) :D
Hey all, if you can hit the link at the top of this post, it's got an itinerary and a really spiffy map of the planned trip! Got commitment from another Pflugerville NSXr, just 1 more to go. :)
I can make it....have my uncle's wedding saturday at 5 so probably will have to leave from Oasis depending on how time is going maybe can make the picture.

Not sure yet about Sunday...trying to work it out too
I'm really looking forward to the weekend!

For Saturday, I think we have 10 (:eek:<span />) Hondas, 4 of which are from out-of-town:
burbel (silver NSX)
synergy004 (black NSX)
LeftLane (red NSX-T)
Ojas (silver NSX)
chriswtx (black NSX)
NSX ATX (black NSX)
NormRD (red NSX)
NSXLuvr (red NSX-T)
Soulstice (silver S2000)
the mysterious other Pflugerville NSXr :)

For Sunday's carting activities, last time I checked, we had burbel + 2, Ojas + 1. Anyone else willing to show off their mad driving skillz? ... Houston, do you copy? ;)
I'm looking forward to next Saturday - since I'm coming up from SA, is it a go regardless of the weather? I'm sure it won't be too different between SA and Austin, but I don't want to drive up for nothing if it happens to be a bit wet out.

That's a good question - Sunday's activities would be find irregardless of weather, but I don't know about the drive. The Oasis is mostly outdoor seating, as is Ski Shores...

What do you all think?