2nd Annual Chicago Area Fall Picnic & Group Drive

My name is blank on your list Frank... Ask and you shall recieve. Let me know what else you might need.

EDIT: I just made a big batch of macaroni salad. Guess what I'm bringing? :smile:
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I can bring some durable plastic forks, knives & spoons, charcoal, some tins for cooked food and I'll pick up some good Italian Sausage from a local deli in da hood.
To anyone wondering what to bring...

Salads would be a good bet (you can't have a picnic without potato salad).

Also, some kind of a lettuce salad would be good. And plenty of desserts.

And still looking for a radio/boom box (I don't think there is electricity at this site - I am not sure, so it would need batteries).
We are bringing paper plates,some cookies and frisbees. We will be at the Krispie Kreme at 12:30.
I have updated the "who's bringing what" list. Still a few names on the list with nothing beside them:rolleyes:

A couple of more things we'll need. A boom box/radio and maybe bean bag toss, football, or some other type of field game.

Anyone going to meet up at the Krispy Kreme on North Ave. at 12:30 for the drive up there? Otherwise I'll see you all at the picnic grounds.
We'll since Beata and I had to leave early, I thought I'd chime in about today's event while you guys are still probably out! What a great time! What a great turnout! What great weather! Everyone did a great job bringing stuff - everything was covered from salad to dessert. Great job cooking Tony - and thanks for the photoplate Frank. We wish we could've stuck around longer, but we were excited to get back with little Olivia. Great seeing everyone - and meeting Frank and wife, Joe and the others. Looking forward to seeing some pics really soon!
I too had a great time. Thanks for puting it together Frank. The group drive was awesome. I too cant wait to see the pictures but if that video surfaces, 'those' prime members are going to have a field day with us.

It was great seeing all you and I cant wait until the next one. Now lets see those pics.

Just wanted to say that it was great meeting the Chicago crowd, we very much enjoyed the picnic, ride and the company. Maybe we can return the favor with a gathering in Wisconsin some time. Don't forget Road America track event Oct. 6&7 if you're not going to Expo. I'll be going up 1 day once I see what the weather is going to be like.
Frank (our fearless drive leader), the drive was awesome! Picnic was great, I wish I could have come sooner! Let's make this fall drive/picnic a keeper! Hope everyone got home safely.

Any pics or vids?

Last year's picnic was GREAT, this year it was even Better; GREAT JOB FRANK. :cool: :biggrin:

Thanks to all: Great People + Great Cars + Great Weather = One Great Time.:biggrin: :biggrin:

I hope we can do an end of the season closing event in December again this year. :biggrin:
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that helped make this a great event. We had an excellent selection of food, great weather and another fun drive. I really enjoyed checking out everyone's new mods, wheels, stereos etc.

Special thanks to Tony for driving down from Wisconsin and also manning the grill. Hopefully we can coordinate some more events with the group in Wisconsin in the future.

It seems the "12" barrier is still intact for our local meets. But after seeing 30+ NSXs at Road America for the ALMS race I still have hopes of breaking the barrier:smile:
Maybe next year.

Can we sneak one more local event in this year? (besides NSXPO) Maybe a Lake Geneva brunch or even a Chicken Basket meet?

I am in for whatever you come with; but for now I am only concentrating on EXPO. I roll out Thursday morning an will be back the following Wednesday; wish all of you were going also. I will take pictures; we will need to get together to look them over when I return.

Thanks again for the GREAT Job on the picnic Frank.
Here are few pics.. I took at ton of them!!



Beautiful pictures, Frank, thanks. As an aside, do you know how to get hold of Brian (Imola Orange)? I paid him for some parts that I have yet to see and there is no contact info for him through the site. Tony
OOPS, sorry, thought Frank posted the pictures, so enamored with the photos I failed to look at the poster. Anyway, anyone knows how to contact Brian please let me know through the site or pm. Thanks, Tony