25 million dollar hoax show on NBC

14 December 2003
NSXPO '05, '10 & '15
Reality TV gets dumber and dumber:

just saw an ad where a woman pretends she won $25 million from Ed McMahon, and pisses off her family and friends by pretending to spend it all on herself. If her family and friends successfully endure the 3 episodes, they get $500k.

Ok, the show might be semi-interesting if it happened to me.

The show is based on a similar show from the UK.

I've never been a big fan of reality TV. I think each show gets sillier and sillier...
Reality is boring... why make a show about it. :rolleyes:

Here's an idea... how about giving me $25mil to buy some exotic cars, then i'll take heaps of video footage of them being driven at high speeds (guess i'd need to dedicate $5mill to fines and my defense in court :p ). Hey, if i crash who cares about a $500,000 car - there's still $24.5mil to spend! :D

At least that would be interesting! Who'd tune into that?! :D
I wish I had a low IQ and could be satisfied sitting and watching junk on TV like that. I would never spend my time watching any of these reality shows; they all perpetuate the decline of our society.
There was a report I read about a "gag" service where you could send an Ed McMahan look alike to someone's house with a gag check. They would even video tape the person falling to their knees and crying, calling friends, etc. They would then break the bad news and give you the tape so you could watch the crushing blow over and over again.


Unfortunately - someone beat the Ed look-alike into near death and the service was stoped.

If I won the 25 million it would be Big Mac and fries for everyone I know including Prime members. This way no one could say I gave more to one and less to another. ;)
steveny said:
If I won the 25 million it would be Big Mac and fries for everyone I know including Prime members. This way no one could say I gave more to one and less to another. ;)

I want mine SUPERSIZED. ;)
Way too many reality TV shows now. Although there is one coming I think it's called "My big fat obnoxious boss." It looks hilarious, they showed the "boss" shooting the people with a paint ball gun. priceless With my attention span, I'll watch for 15 minutes and turn back to news or Discovery.