2200 miles later...

11 June 2003
I got my NSX back to colorful Colorado from its previous home down in South Florida. I flew down to Ft. Lauderdale on Tuesday to pick it up and started the march early the next morning. I made it from Ft. Lauderdale to Austin, Texas the first day, where I stopped by a forum member's home to show her the car, being that she is in the midst of her search. The next morning, I made the relatively short drive up to Colorado. Its a bit colder here right now than in South Florida, but I think she'll adjust OK :) (although I think I may need a new thermostat)

The NSX is a '96 T, black/black, and has been certified to
140 mph ;)

On a side note, back in Florida, while filling up with gas with the salesperson, a big U-Haul truck almost took the front end off the car, missing by mere inches as I was frozen with the gas pump in hand. The trip was almost over before it even started. Thankfully it was fairly uneventful from there.

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I too may have to journey for my car. Did you have it inspected in Florida prior to the purchase. If so how did you handle it?

Let me know and congrads
Wheww! You noticed any changes in performance given the disparities between the two location?

heyz... best wishes on the new acquisition! i will be making the Austion-to-Florida drive in two months- and hopefully in a NSX that i'll have in hand by then. how was the drive, quite endeavourous of you to do it in ONE day!?! :)
Let's see.

The car was at an Acura dealer and I had them look at it, and talked to their master mechanic who works on alot of NSX's. So I guess I should have had an independent look at it but, oh well. I'm going to have my local dealer look it over and replace a few things to ease my mind probably.

The car idles higher and warms up slow it seems since I got back last night. It is around 40 degrees at night and in the morning, so that might have something to do with it. I would imagine, it also doesn't pull as hard at altitude. I'm at 6000 feet, and I know when I had my S2k and went up to 11,000 over a pass, it was very noticeable. The higher up it seems to increase exponentially.

It took me right about 19 hours to get from Ft. Lauderdale to Austin. I left at 4 in the morning eastern time, and got to Austin at 10:30 central time. It was long.
wishlist said:
I would imagine, it also doesn't pull as hard at altitude. I'm at 6000 feet, and I know when I had my S2k and went up to 11,000 over a pass, it was very noticeable. The higher up it seems to increase exponentially.
I have heard it said that cars in Denver (5280 ft) have 30 percent less power compared with those close to sea level.
Did you look at the 95 in Denver. Can't remeber the name of the Delership, but they have the tire guy on the roof.

I did and was unimpressed with the interior. Plus it was dirty when I went to look at it.

Let me know if you looked at it and why you passed it up if you did.
I occasionaly drive through the mountains in Alberta and at the top of the pass (7279 ft), the car definately has less power. I would love to take the car to sea level and see the difference.:)
allkingz said:
Stories like this make me really look forward to picking up my NSX :)


I am about to go an pick up mine if everything checks out.

It will be a blast and I am really looking forward to it.

I will leave my home on wednesday next week and be home by sunday. Will have driven about 1438 miles.

The only sad thing is that it is soon wintertime here so I will tuck it in and take it out on only super super nice days during winter.

picked my up last night. I will file the whole "I can't beleive this finally happened" report once I get caught up on work and sleep.
martin said:

I am about to go an pick up mine if everything checks out.

It will be a blast and I am really looking forward to it.

I will leave my home on wednesday next week and be home by sunday. Will have driven about 1438 miles.

The only sad thing is that it is soon wintertime here so I will tuck it in and take it out on only super super nice days during winter.


goodluck.. make sure you print out the Used NSX Checklist
Colorado NSX's

Welcome Jeff...I too live in Colorado...we'll have to get together...I understand there are about 20 in the state...but, I wanted to share some research I've done about the altitude...

I travel a bit and had the pleasure of being in Phoenix and visiting Mark Basch at his shop...I asked him about the effect of altitude on my car...he said that since 97, the computer will adjust for altitude and barometric pressure, so from 97 on...there should not be much loss of performance. I think I notice some, but just how much is pretty hard to quantify.

Mark did say that if I had an earlier model, he might recommend some mods that could help...just thought I'd pass that along...also, I've been doing some research on shops for service...PM me and I'll share my findings...

Congratulations on your new toy...I have the biggest grin on my face every time I start it up...Mike
I know this is really a bummer...but, I am sure you understand, since I have a 97, I kinda "tuned out" the pre-97 conversation...I will say that Mark Basch was very nice to take a few minutes with me and I suspect would chat with you on the phone or via email...sorry...Mike