22 years old and people still take photos

12 February 2006
Pleasanton, CA
Yesterday I came out of the store back to my 92 and a guy was taking an iPhone pic...

This is my DD and all I see is the bird splats, dings, and scratches. But nobody else does...
22 years old and people still take photos?
>That's because people think its brand new, even with hundreds of *thousands* of miles!

I love the NSX, and I love that others love the NSX too.
Why else would I spend so much time here:biggrin:?

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yep, all the time. It's pretty annoying. I prefer to not draw attention and just do my own thing. But hey, sometimes you gotta "share" the love.
I just drove the car home from the dealer which took me around 35 minutes. On the way I had to go through the center of Vienna where a Porsche is quite common. Nobody looked at them. Three people stopped next to me and told me how beautiful the car is or asked what it actually is because they have never seen one before.

But I have to admit, that its a really rare car here in Austria so there are many people who have never seen one or have heard of it in their entire life. Most of them only know it from Playstation or had a poster hanging in their room when they were young.

I don't want to drag attention with the car but I like to share the NSX passion with people.
Its nice to see people smiling in todays world where everyone stares at his mobile phones and a smile (especially on girls faces) is rare.

you get use to it, while sitting at a red light at night you normally see flashes, its from cameras, what I do now is take pics of the people taking pics of me heres one for example a cute girl in a acura was snapping photos of my car from behind, I stuck my phone out took a pic of her, she smiled and waved this happens all the time.

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you get use to it, while sitting at a red light at night you normally see flashes, its from cameras, what I do now is take pics of the people taking pics of me heres one for example a cute girl in a acura was snapping photos of my car from behind, I stuck my phone out took a pic of her, she smiled and waved this happens all the time.

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I've had this happen before. I was not quick enough to take a pic of the pic taking haha.
Our Dallas group meets occasionally at a local restaurant. There is usually at least five NSX's parked outside, and the parade of people driving by to take pictures or simply admire the cars is pretty constant.
Mine is only 12 years old, but I get "is that the new NSX?, or is that the new "Corvette"? On Sunday, I was walking back to the car at a small shopping center, while on the cell with my daughter, there was a guy taking pictures of his son, next to the car. Without even saying anything, I opened the car door, motioned the kid to sit in the driver's seat, the father told his son to hop in, took lots of pictures, and got out of the car. When he thanked me, I said "you're quite welcome", my daughter asked me who I was talking to. I responded with just a couple of "admirers" of the NSX, she laughed, she just doesn't "get it"!!! Unfortunately, while my SILTB (son-in-law to be), is a great guy, he's not a "car person" either. :(
some people look at traffic, and the lines on the road unaware there is a women in the car next to them with her double D's hanging out the window tring to get their attention.

It's happened to me many times... Someone driving along side me snapping photos on their cell phone. I get a kick out of it! It's a "special car"...
I get this all the time as well. I was driving to the Post Office the other day and two kids on the sidewalk gave me a "thumbs up" and when I came out of the Post Office there was a guy starting to take a picture of my car. He stopped asked if it was OK to take a couple of pictures and we chatted about the car for a few minutes.
Car can get you in trouble.
Every time my girl is in car and some1 waves or beeps the horn as I drive by, she ask "DO YOU KNOW THEM........WHO WAS THAT.........HOW DO YOU KNOW HER?

My answer always is that it's the car, not me.
I just got my NSX less than a month ago and I had to go to a Honda dealer to get parts for my other car (Civic). While I was waiting at the parts counter (guy in front of me didn't have a clue what part he needed and the parts guy was taking his time showing him all the parts diagrams), I see the sales guys and service guys all walking out the door and I hear them saying, there's a yellow NSX parked outside! LOL I was in shock. By the time I got my parts and walked back to my car, there was a small crowd around my car taking pictures. Chatted with them a bit and then drove off. But it's amazing how much attention this car attracts, even at a Honda dealer. :-D
Yea, the photo-taking and random conversations are just part of the deal when you own an NSX

I'm always surprised when people ask me if its okay to take pictures of the car...
my stock answer has become "yea no problem, she loves having her picture taken" *smile*
I rarely park my 91 in highly visible places, providing few opportunities for her picture to be taken. Yet despite this I average about 2 to 3 incidents a month where someone takes a picture or loudly yells compliments from across the parking lot. I'm always surprised since it happens when I least expect it.

Unfortunately the car attracts close to zero attention from females. The majority of admirers are either males in their early 20's or 50+ year old males. The car is largely ignored by people in their 30's and 40's.

Recently I parked next to a new BMW M5. When I came back out to get in my car I noticed a several young women were admiring the muscular chubby M5. The sleek NSX right next to it was invisible to them. This is not the first time I've seen this happen. Says a lot about current mainstream tastes.

Oh and I agree with what another poster said: nobody pays much attention to a 911, even a brand new one. An 24 year old NSX will get far more attention than any 911.
A few days ago I stopped in to a local Tire Barn to have a tire repaired after it managed to get impaled. Both of the waiting customers, as well as all 4 employees, all stopped in their tracks when my NSX pulled up. Keep in mind....my car has over 203,000 miles, and has not been washed in over a month, so it is covered in dirt and grime. I chatted and answered questions about the car, and one of the most enthusaistic fans of the car was one of the employees who also has a modified Civic Si. When he handed me the receipt for the work performed there was no charge. Eventhough I had not bought tires there, and arrived about 15 minutes before they closed, they stayed late and did not charge me, and said, 'I can't charge you....that is an NSX'. So I asked him if he had ever ridden in one, which he had not. So I asked him, 'Well...do you want to drive it,' and I thought he was going to faint. He asked if I was serious, and I said, 'Yep! Come on...let's go'. Needless to say when we got back he said he now had to have one. LOL! The NSX is a powerful car for dreams and joy. :)
Unfortunately the car attracts close to zero attention from females. The majority of admirers are either males in their early 20's or 50+ year old males. The car is largely ignored by people in their 30's and 40's.

Recently I parked next to a new BMW M5. When I came back out to get in my car I noticed a several young women were admiring the muscular chubby M5. The sleek NSX right next to it was invisible to them. This is not the first time I've seen this happen. Says a lot about current mainstream tastes.

It's because the women are attracted to the BMW and Mercedes logos. They still probably don't know much about the technical merits of those cars and I doubt it's the muscular chubby stance of the M5 that is attracting them. It's the brand and that's all. They probably don't even know what an Acura is... thus no attention
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So I asked him, 'Well...do you want to drive it,' and I thought he was going to faint. He asked if I was serious, and I said, 'Yep! Come on...let's go'.

Very cool move there. Making some guy's day = priceless

Sounds like a future owner in the making... did you explain the daily hunt/obsession that it takes to find the right one?