2014 River Run/Saturday June 14/Caravan Thread

Great trip - 905 miles, 3 great days, great food, ghood view of a Monkey's ass and only 1 speeding ticked...............could have been a few tickets so not complaining..............Thanks to all those who organized and especially to C&F!!! See you at the BS4
Great trip - 905 miles, 3 great days, great food, ghood view of a Monkey's ass and only 1 speeding ticked...............could have been a few tickets so not complaining..............Thanks to all those who organized and especially to C&F!!! See you at the BS4

If you had been in front of me, you would have had the pleasure of some sheeps ass and a goat's ass. So you had a better view. Where and how bad the speeding ticket? Does it effect your license/insurance in Canada?
Thanks for a real nice ride - good food... ;>)
haha - yeah I was waiting for one of the goats to fall out of the truck........crazy!!! At least they didn't sh*t on us! Got an 81 in a 65 mph just south of the NY border in PA. My license is clean (not sure why) and not points or tickets and the cop scratched out the 'mail-in' option so I'll toss it in the garbage as the points don't come over the border (checked with some bike friends) and just hope it gets lost since I'm from Canada. Won't be an issue getting any license stickers for next year - and I'll just say I mailed it in if caught again - no doubt will occur some other time.

GREAT WKND..............and getting a bit lost out of C&F's on the way home only provided me with some really nice roads to test. Can't wait until next year!