2011 Acura of Lynnwood Car Meet

26 June 2008
This years details

2 mobile Dyno`s provided by Z-sport automotive.
Free BBQ food and drinks
Music provided by DJ Dragon
NOS Energy Drink W/ NOS girls
Free gifts
Raffle Drawing with Prizes

We have a limited number of spots and I want to make sure to keep you guys together, so let me know how many I need to hold for you guys
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I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make it this year, I have another event that day I already planned to do. :frown: It is always fun too.
We will be in Monterey for the Concorso that week. Sorry brother.
Hey Eric,
I know how you feel about the speed on that P car of yours.
I drove Jason Tang's P and goodness gracious, that car hauls ass even in 5th gear accellerating from 55 mph. It was night and day in term of speed compare to my car.


It's fun.... no doubt about it. I haven't even tuned it yet, still enjoying my warranty. :smile:
Tons of room!!! We need everyone out to represent....EVERYONE!!!!:biggrin:

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