2010 nsx pics

Is this an April Fool's joke? Haha. . This thing was the talk of the town 7 years ago.
The Honda HSC (also part of the name of the subforum you're in). :smile:
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My favorite design so far :wink: It's just to bad that Honda did not think so. I wish could have spoken to them about it :mad:
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the HSC was the best thing never to happen to me...

Guys I know its a concept but do you think they might actually do it heres the pic I found by accident


looks great. Wishful thinking maybe.

this pic might have been posted on here before but I had to post it anyway.
Why must you tease us in such a manner? :(

Anywayz... I've had this HSC image set as my desktop's background for over 5 years!

I loved this design when I first saw it but remember so many here on NSX Prime giving a negative response when this pic was first posted, many years ago.
I loved the front of the HSC but always thought the back needed work, B-Pillar and the rear glass, looks too much like the RX-8
I love that front end so much!! The proportions are perfect too, only possible in a mid-engine car. I use it as my background too but then I get sad... then angry at Honda for not producing it and pursuing epic failures instead. I would settle for a quality HSC front end conversion on the NSX though =D
why did they decide not to build it back then?

I think it's related to power output. The car was producing like 320hp or something like that. People still looked at it like it was a low power sportscar same thing people complained about for the NSX.

Honda did listen and well they developed a 500hp V10 grand tourer "HSV" so I think Honda got the message but again the public just was negative to the HSV as well and well now we got nothing... and you wonder why they don't release a sports car... the public is never satisfied with what they show.
Re: the HSC was the best thing never to happen to me...

Why must you tease us in such a manner? :(

Anywayz... I've had this HSC image set as my desktop's background for over 5 years!

At least they knew what color to pick!
Has the HSC design grown on everyone? I remember it getting slammed when it debuted.
Has the HSC design grown on everyone? I remember it getting slammed when it debuted.

I still feel the same way as when if first came out, it was a good design from the side.

The rear, I felt, needed to be reworked and the front could be adjusted a little to make it more attractive. Overall they were going in the right direction but it seemed everyone hated it at the time. The HSV came out and then all of a sudden everyone loved the HSC :rolleyes:.
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I liked the design from the start. It’s a timeless design like are cars. They just need to tweak it a bit mostly the engine, and made it a longitude engine design for a bigger motor.
that is SICK!

Would of certainly seen a lot of those in lieu of the Ferrari 360'/430 spiders had they made it. Oh well just a pipe dream.

In response to swbatte, my opinion has remained the same, front is great back is kind of blah, mostly the rear window and b-pillar though.

I would say McLaren and Ferrari agree with me based on their latest car releases, the mp4-12c and the 458 , their rears are much more aesthetic to me and flow better with the cars front.
What many of us saw in the HSC was possibility. Many criticized it because we wanted a few design elements cleaned up, not to have the whole concept scrapped.

And yes, a few of us bitched about the lack of power, some of the dreamers wanted 450+ HP. But for most NSX owners, we were looking for an incremental improvement normally expected from an updated version because the mid-engine light weight theme is what we have come to love.
What many of us saw in the HSC was possibility. Many criticized it because we wanted a few design elements cleaned up, not to have the whole concept scrapped.

And yes, a few of us bitched about the lack of power, some of the dreamers wanted 450+ HP. But for most NSX owners, we were looking for an incremental improvement normally expected from an updated version because the mid-engine light weight theme is what we have come to love.

What he said, well said +1 :wink: