2010 Acura "NSX" Cancelled???

This is great news for appreciaton of all current NSX's. That serves them right for calling that thing an NSX.

Hip Hip.....
Guess what? Ferrari only sold 92 cars in November of 2008.

See how those guys are doing.

As for Honda, I don't think they will completely kill it, may be put the project on hold. The R & D of the V10 is pertty much done.

They learn their lesson with the NSX - A massive waiting list in 1990 - 92, and completely died after the economy hit the wall in 1993.
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I think this is credible considering the pressure auto manufacturers are facing, and Honda's withdrawal from F1 racing and the global economic turmoil.

They are going to focus more on economy cars, hybrids, gas-saving technologies, etc.

However, we may see the project pop up again in the future should things change.

But I agree with others when I say this is good news for current owners who didn't intend to buy the next model.

I know if I were the CEO of a big car company that doesn't cater to car enthusiasts (e.g. Ferrari, Pagani, etc.) a V10 flagship sports car would be the last thing on my mind right now.
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As an owner, I was looking forward for a replacement soon.But Honda will shelf the project for the time being and re-activate such if market conditions improve in a year or not. They will not write-off the R&D costs yet as they are so near to launch. Give Honda credo to plan ahead of the future than the Big 3 still looking for hand-outs.
I think its BS..... not the story but the fact that they're dropping the next NSX... :mad::mad::mad: Its not like they cant afford it!

FWIW, I saw a 360 Ferrari for 90k yesterday. e46 M3s are going for less than 20k and e55 AMGs are going for around 30k.

There are opportunities galore for the smart buyers.

There is a nice black/black Ferrari 360 for sale in my building with 36,000km's at $76,800 U.S.:eek:

I spoke to one of my friends that are supposed to know a little more about this car ( acura employee). He told me that the new nsx was going to outrun the GTR and supposibly they were arround a second away as far as Nürburgring lap time, they said they cancelled the 2010 model because Nissan is comming up with a newer version of GTR and it would take too much money to upgrade honda's NSX to outrun the yet unknown performance of the upcomming GTR upgrade. He also told me the NSX will be launched no metter what and Honda has never followed what they said. Even if the 2010 NSX is not comming the 2015 definitely is. Worst case scenario our cars will be worth more money as there is not going to be anymore on the market. One thing i'm sure every one of us has in mind is that there is always going to be a group of people who love Honda / Acura and they will be looking for high end performance from Honda / Acura.:smile:
There is a nice black/black Ferrari 360 for sale in my building with 36,000km's at $76,800 U.S.:eek:

Now it is time to buy Ferrari, prices are down and they will appreciate in the future.

I'll maybe try to get a Diablo SE30 in a few years ...

Last November I bought an old Mondial 3,2 coupe 1987 euro version. I will repaint it, lower the suspension, put nice Forgeline SP3 18'' wheels and make it look even nicer than this one:


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Now it is time to buy Ferrari, prices are down and they will appreciate in the future.

I'll maybe try to get a Diablo SE30 in a few years ...

Last November I bought an old Mondial 3,2 coupe 1987 euro version. I will repaint it, lower the suspension, put nice Forgeline SP3 18'' wheels and make it look even nicer than this one:

I think that's the first Mondial I've ever seen that didn't make me think the Pininfarina(or bertone?) guys were drunk (or maybe too sober???) when they designed that car.

That one actually looks respectable. If you can do that good or better, you will have a good looking car on your hands. Just do a little something under the hood too and you might be able to make it fun to drive :D
I think that's the first Mondial I've ever seen that didn't make me think the Pininfarina guys were drunk (or maybe too sober???) when they designed that car.

That one actually looks respectable. If you can do that good or better, you will have a good looking car on your hands. Just do a little something under the hood too and you might be able to make it fun to drive :D

Interesting isn't it?

Like the NSX, this car is underestimated, but a Ferrari Mondial can look very sporty and elegant if you repaint it, lower the suspension and put nice 18'' wheels.

Doing these mods resurrects this old classic showing thus the real potential of this original design. IOW this car ages very well.

Don't be afraid, I will also work on the engine but it already gratifies me with one of the nicest music you can hear. Thanks to its particular firing order and its flatcrank design.

Take a look at these videos on YouTube:

For the taste and sound of an old 3,2L !


For the newer look of a T modded like the one you found respectable!


I have always loved the Ferrari Mondial because of its audacious concept: offering a true 2+2 layout with a rear midengine NA!

Here are a few pictures of my new 18'' wheels:



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    Ma Mondial 1er Essai SP3 Arrière 6.jpg
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I have always loved the Ferrari Mondial because of its audacious concept: offering a true 2+2 layout with a rear midengine NA!


It has not been done very often. When I was younger, my father had a 308 GT4 (Dino). Also, not the prettiest Ferrari ever, but that thing was an absolute riot. I believe it is actually quicker than all but the very last 4-valve "normal" 308s (GTS/GTB). We had it out to the track on several occasions through the 8 years he owned it before being sold to a gentleman in the Netherlands.

I like the wheels. Aggressive, but still very Ferrari-esque.
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i would recommend converting your ignition to a single-coil system. if you recall, the dual-coil is the culprit of all these 3.0/3.2 L fires- one coil fails but you do not know it as the car still runs, the second coil is overloaded, overheats and starts the electrical fire.